Best Natural Cures For Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

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According to medical experts, the onset of bacterial vaginosis is linked to balance of acid/alkaline of the vagina and their concession with bacteria or other mysterious agents of the same nature. Sometimes the vaginal discharge starts with stinking odor. In many cases the vaginal discharge is noticed when it smells like a fish odor, usually… Read more »

The Natural Yeast Infection Treatments

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A yeast infection is an infection that attacks the vaginal area in women and the penal area in men. Generally it is caused by the Candida albicans, a fungus that builds up in your body with time. It is very much normal to have an infection of this nature and once you have been cured… Read more »

PMS Symptoms and PMS Solutions

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As women, our bodies go through a cycle every 28 days, during which the body’s ultimate objective is to become pregnant. According to the laws of nature, our objective is to keep the human race moving forward. Unfortunately for many of us, moving forward is not part of the monthly plan.