Starting An Effective Endometriosis Diet That Eliminates The Potential For Candida Overgrowth

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An effective endometriosis diet can have a significant impact on the pain and other common symptoms of endometriosis and may even help to regular and prevent Candida overgrowth. Numerous studies have shown that women who implement anti-Candida diets have received notable improvements in their issues with endometriosis. This and other research has shown that strategic… Read more »

Low Thyroid and Birth Control

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For many women balancing their hormones can be the difference between feeling vibrant or feeling that they are merely suffering through life. Many women who complain about symptoms of hormone imbalance may be confused how this imbalance occurs. Low thyroid may be responsible for some of the symptoms women experience. Sleep disturbances, hot flashes, sluggishness,… Read more »

Hormones and Menopause – What You Should Know

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Hormones and menopause are frequently much discussed topics during the menopause transition. Most of the time, the menopause transition is characterized by hormonal imbalance. In this article I will review the two hormones that are the most affected and what can be done for the relief of menopause symptoms.

Hormones and Menopause – What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

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Women lose hormones as they get older. While the menopause transition usually occurs around age 50, perimenopause, the transition to menopause can start in the early thirties. Hormones and menopause is an important topic because most if not all the premenopause and menopause symptoms are due to hormonal imbalance.

Effective Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cycle Pains

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Taking medication to fight menstrual cycle pains usually doesn’t work. At least, it only works for a very short time. Why is that? Well, most medications are meant to reduce pain, but not reduce the actual causes of menstrual pains, such as an excessive amount of hormones in the system.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Does Not Mean A Childless Future

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PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is the most common cause of infertility among women. The condition may interfere with the release of the eggs from the ovaries. If you have PCOS, your body over-produces androgens which are often called as male hormones, even though women’s body produces them as well.