What is the Best Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatment?

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For any woman who has ever experienced a vaginal yeast infection, she knows that the pain and irritation associated with the condition can be excruciating. Some women experience the condition over and over again throughout their lives which causes a variety of emotional issues as well. However, there is an effective vaginal yeast infection treatment… Read more »

Compression Stockings – Their History and Their Uses

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Like most useful inventions, compression stockings were invented to fill a need. Conrad Jobst, a mechanical engineer and inventor, had a venous disease and through his experiences set out to assist his condition, ending up with gradient compression garments such as compression stockings to combat the affects of venous conditions.

An Untreated Yeast Infection Can Be Dangerous

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No one likes to get a yeast infection. But aside from the uncomfortable symptoms you experience, there are more serious dangers that may arise from an untreated yeast infection. So while most yeast infections usually clear up on their own, it may be wise to err on the side of caution and seek proper diagnosis… Read more »

Ovarian Cyst Treatment Choices

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Pain is among the types of symptoms that anyone wants to avoid; this especially applies to ovarian cyst pain. Pain caused by ovarian cysts is usually extreme. Even simple ovarian cysts can inflict unbearable pain. If you experience having cysts in your ovaries then you know how excruciatingly painful it can be.

PMS Symptoms – PMS Affects Everyone

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Because you’re the one who experiences the symptoms of PMS, you think that it’s your problem and yours alone. Not true. In fact, if your PMS symptoms affect you negatively, chances are the result is a negative impact on all of those in your world.