What Can I Use To Cure a Yeast Infection

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Candida is the name under which the yeast infection is commonly known. It is also known as candidiasis. The moist areas are often the most infected by the fungal, such as the skin and the mucous membrane of the human body.

What Is the Cause of Yeast Infection in Women?

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Candidiasis may develop during the course of treatment with antibiotics. Personally, antibiotics and yeast infection go hand in hand for me each time. How so? Antibiotics have the ability to eliminate the yeast’s natural competitors for resources thus increasing the severity of the condition.

The Most Common Candidiasis Symptoms

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Candidiasis generally happens when the Candida within your body starts to grow past your usual tolerance limits. As a rule, Candida remains contained by supportive natural bacteria. In the worst of cases, the sufferers experience diarrhea, which can go on for a few days.

Yeast Infection In Women: Getting Rid Of It

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Yeast infection, also known as Candidiasis, is mainly caused by the overproduction of yeast in the body, particularly in the vaginal area and in the rectal area. It is commonly characterized by itching, swelling, and a white vaginal discharge. Other symptoms brought about by a yeast infection are fatigue, pain while urinating and having sexual… Read more »

Yogurt for Yeast Infection – How Effective Is It?

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It’s really up to you whether you want to treat candidiasis with the use of prescription drugs or creams but it’s good to know that there’s an alternative – yogurt for yeast infection. Why yogurt? Simply because yogurt contains active or live bacteria which happen to help keep yeast in check.

The Cure For Vaginal Yeast Infections May Be In Your Kitchen

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Most women have suffered from vaginal yeast infections also known as vaginal candidiasis at some point in their life. While there are many prescriptions and over the counter medications that can treat this condition, there are also many remedies for the various yeast infections symptoms that can be dealt with using ingredients commonly found in… Read more »