One of the biggest milestone’s of every woman’s life is to bear and have children. Babies are rightly said to be a bundle of joy and harbingers of happiness and fortune. If you and your partner have chosen to have children now and are trying to get pregnant, this is the right place to learn… Read more »
Posts Tagged: tone
Boost Your Bust
If you’re contemplating undergoing cosmetic surgery to boost your bust, first consider that there’s another cheaper, less invasive way to shape and tone your breasts. You can do these through a series of exercises. These exercises will tone the chest muscles that support and surround your breasts. It will also zero in on the back… Read more »
How to Tone Your Breasts
You’ve worked hard to tone every part of your body, from your arms to your abs, to your butt, your thighs and your legs. But if you’re a woman, there’s one body part that you may have overlooked – your breasts. That’s right. You can tone your breasts. This will improve their shape. You might… Read more »
Are You a Woman Over 30? Here’s Your Fat Loss Answer
Facing and fighting fat when women hit that 30 and up milestone can be hard. Here are a few tips to get fighting and winning the fat battle.
5 Tips to Make Your Butt Firm, Sexy and Curvaceous So it Looks Heavenly in Your Stone Washed Jeans
As a woman, do you feel embarrassed because your butt is as flat as a pancake or an ironing board? Is the flesh on your bums soft, flabby, doughy and crinkled? Does it wobble as you walk and make your cheeks red with shame?
How much phytoestrogen is there in soy milk?
philosopherstoned asked: