The answer to this question is not set in stone. However, pregnancy can be a trigger for the yeast infection to develop, but if you take the necessary precautions, you can be at saved from the infection. Statistically speaking, yeast infections are more to occur during pregnancy, due to many reasons.
Posts Tagged: tone
Two Easy Must-Do Exercises for Pregnancy
Many women worry about how their bodies will recover from pregnancy. Pregnancy does cause a lot of physical changes. Muscles and tissues stretch and move to make room for the growing baby and extra padding is added to provide extra calories for breastfeeding. Luckily there are two simple exercises you can do during your pregnancy… Read more »
How Lack Of Sleep May Make You Fat
The famous Harvard Nurses Health study observed women over a 16 year span and noted that lack of sleep lead to weight gain. Women who reported sleeping fewer than 5 hours per night were 32% more likely to gain more than 15 kilograms or 2 stone 3 pounds over that span of years. That’s on… Read more »
Exercises for Thighs: Top 5 Thigh Exercises
Let’s face it, some women have issues in the thigh region! They either want to slim their thighs or tone them. Some even want to do both. Why is there such an issue in this area for women?
Max Bust36 – Breast Enhancement Pills
div style=”text-align: justify;”Max Bust36 is a safe formula with completely herbal character, which helps the women to overcome the problems connected with the breast size and lactation. Humulus Iupulus (hops), a kind of herb presents in Max Bust36 and has a powerful phyto-hormonal influence, which results in the growth and the development of the areoli… Read more »
Butt Exercises – Exercises To Tone and Shape Your Butt
If you are not in shape then you are not ready for the summer. Are you dreading the thought of getting your butt into a bikini? Try out some of the simple exercises listed in this article to tone and shape your butt.
Women Who Lift Weights and the Fear of Becoming Masculine
Women desire to build fit and toned physiques, but have an unparalleled fear when it comes to weight lifting. Many women fear that by weight lifting they will become masculine, losing their feminine appeal. The truth is that women need to lift weights in order to maximize fat loss, keep the fat off, and build… Read more »
Effective Herbal Treatment for Loss of Sex Drive in Women
Herbal treatment for loss of sex drive in women usually includes aphrodisiacs and toners like damiana, ginseng, wild yam or kava kava. Certain foods are also believed to help increase female libido and they are recommended to be included in the diet.
Kidney Stones Symptoms in Women – 3 Symptoms For Kidney Stones in Women
Unfortunately, kidney stones symptoms in women – and men, for that matter – can be excruciatingly painful. You will not be feeling such pain, however, when the kidney stones stay in your kidney. You may ask just how excruciating the pain can be as one of the kidney stones symptoms in women. Well, let’s just… Read more »
A One-Two-Three Step Program For A Fabulously Sexy Butt and Nice Toned Thighs
The actual path to the perfect backside and thighs is an easy one. If you’re used to looking at magazines and movies and seeing people with seemingly impossible physiques, get that ‘impossible’ barrier out of your head!