There is certainly no doubt that in terms of physical attributes, mental capabilities and emotional response, males and females are much more alike than they are different. However it is equally well known that in the area of sexuality, the path that males and females take throughout their life journey separate, come together, crisscross and… Read more »
Posts Tagged: term
Menopause Supplements – A Natural Menopause Treatment
For many years, the most highly recommended menopause treatment appeared to be hormone replacement therapy (HRT), however in later years a large research called the Women’s Health Initiative concluded that the long-term use of estrogen or progesterone, as well as estrogen blend therapies triggered a greater chance of blood clots and stroke in women. Because… Read more »
Low Thyroid and Birth Control
For many women balancing their hormones can be the difference between feeling vibrant or feeling that they are merely suffering through life. Many women who complain about symptoms of hormone imbalance may be confused how this imbalance occurs. Low thyroid may be responsible for some of the symptoms women experience. Sleep disturbances, hot flashes, sluggishness,… Read more »
Cure Your Yeast Infection By Changing Your Diet
You are what you eat. We have all heard that before, right? Well, it does have a lot of truth to it. In fact, if you exercise on a regular basis, experts have said that 80-90% of what our body looks like is a reflection of our diet. If we eat poorly consistently over the… Read more »
Uterine Fibroids Treatments Are Always Individual
Treatments for uterine fibroids are always planned individually. There are a few different treatment options for this ailment. Some factors that determine the treatment include the size, amount, and location of fibroids.
Using Home Remedies For Yeast Infections
Treating a yeast infection with home remedies can not only provide temporary relief, but in the long term can cure the condition for good. The following are some tips and remedies to try.
Vaginal Itching Relief – A Comparison of Products and Methods
When we have an annoying health issue, such as vaginal itching, most of us will head to the pharmacy to find a product to relieve the itch. Products that contain benzocaine are designed to block or dull the itching sensation in the nerve endings in and around your vagina. Anti-fungal drugs have a number of… Read more »
Yeast Infection Test, Symptoms and Diagnosis
A vaginal yeast infection can be irritating, embarrassing and painful for women to endure. It is created by an over abundance of fungus in the vaginal area that has common symptoms like by vaginal discharge and burning. To determine if you have one, you can simply get a yeast infection test.
Understanding The Symptoms Of Premenopause
Premenopause symptoms are caused by dropping levels of sex hormones. This drop in hormones is a function of our transition out of our reproductive years and into menopause. Menopause is programmed into our genes the same way that the age of puberty is. The symptoms of menopause begin during premenopause as ovarian secretion of estrogen… Read more »
Are You Having HRT Side Effects?
The long term risks of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are well publicized. These risks, such as breast cancer, have been well publicized over the past 2-3 years with the release of new research findings that show even greater risk than previously thought. What is less publicized are the immediate side effects of HRT. Becauses the… Read more »