Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), also known as Premenstrual Tension (PMT) is a medical condition characterised by a group of symptoms that typically occur one to two weeks before the period starts. It is estimated that at least 75% of women have at least one symptom. PMS can have a huge impact on work performance and work…. Read more »
Posts Tagged: PMS
PMS And Hormones – Progesterone And Estrogen Out Of Balance
We’ve all heard of bogus reasons proposed for PMS: “It’s a myth” or “It’s just a sign of weakness”. In fact, PMS has a physical (biochemical) cause, which is that hormones are out of balance. How to fix this? Read on to find out a natural way to balance hormones.
PMS Does Exist: It’s Real, Physical and You Can Do Something About It
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a real physical malady, not just some flimsy excuse for bad moods. Too often women are told PMS is imaginary. The myths and misunderstandings about PMS are unfortunate because they usually prevent women from finding real, natural PMS relief.
What Is PMS? Is That a Swear Word?
Exploring natural PMS remedies and PMS relief strategies for women at that time of the month. Incorporate these tactics to get the upper hand on your symptoms.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) – What Can You Do About It?
Women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) suffer from a collection of physical, psychological and emotional symptoms, which start about 7 days before the onset of a menstrual period. These symptoms tend to ease with the onset of menstruation. Women with PMS report feeling irritable, angry, depressed or anxious for no particular reason.
Effective and Recommended Vitamins to Help PMS
Vitamins to Help PMS – PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) is simply defined as a collection of symptoms, which are related to the menstrual cycles of a woman. These symptoms or side effects are result of hormonal changes that occur during menstruation. Some of the most popular symptoms include bloating, fatigue and cramping. Severe PMS symptoms also… Read more »
What Causes PMS and How Do I Cope?
What causes PMS and what can we do to lessen the pain every month? Scientists have found it difficult to identify a single cause of PMS. Theories include nutritional factors, hormonal disruptions, chemical changes and emotional or psychological factors. It is likely each of these factors plays a part in PMS, or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.
An Eastern View of PMS Treatment
Between 22% and 40% of women feel one or more pre-menstrual symptoms occurring one or two weeks prior to menstruation, and subsiding abruptly at the beginning of menstruation. Western medicine relies on medication to alleviate or mask symptoms. TCM (which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine) considers PMS a disease, an abnormal imbalance. Learn more on… Read more »
Treatment For Premenstrual Symptoms – Self Help and Strategies For PMS
Premenstrual symptoms affect most of us, however we rarely seek help. There are some self help strategies which can help, as well as medications available through your doctor. This article discusses these methods.
PMS Symptoms – PMS Affects Everyone
Because you’re the one who experiences the symptoms of PMS, you think that it’s your problem and yours alone. Not true. In fact, if your PMS symptoms affect you negatively, chances are the result is a negative impact on all of those in your world.