Probiotics, such as lactobacillus and acidophilus, are healthy strains of bacteria that have a beneficial and symbiotic relationship with the body, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. The help your body absorb and digest food properly, and keep the population of other organisms, such as yeast, in check.
Posts Tagged: Organ
Kegel’s Exercises: Part I
Many women suffer from weakness of the pelvic muscles. Weakness of pelvic muscles will eventually lead to loss of support for bladder, uterus and other pelvic organs. This will cause prolapsed of the pelvic organs through the vagina.
Yeast Infection at Home Treatment That Can Give You Relief
Yeast infection at home treatment simply means using the organic, herbal and natural ingredients that are found at your local grocery stores or even your own backyard. It’s getting things that are easy to whip up or put together without having to get assistance from people that have to know about your condition. One of… Read more »
Menopause and Natural BioIdentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Hormones are chemical messengers, produced by the endocrine system (produced by one organ), that circulate in your bloodstream giving instructions to your cells (another organ/system). For example, the thyroid gland’s hormone, thyroxine (T4), governs and monitors your body’s rate of metabolism and energy production.
What You Should Know About Cancer In Women?
Cancer is a serious health problem that can affect various body organs. Certain types of cancer seem to affect more in women than men.
Yeast Infection Treatment – Regain Your Health And Put An End To Yeast Infections
The phrase yeast infection is the term for a vaginal disease labeled candidiasis. Candidiasis is actually brought on when there is an overgrowth of the particular fungus candida albicans. Candidiasis is frequently seen in moist as well as warm areas of the body. Many people get a yeast infection normally just after taking oral antibiotics… Read more »
Anti-Candida Diet – Foods To Eat And Foods To Avoid To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection Naturally!
The human being lives in constant symbiosis with numerous micro-organisms. Most of these “guests” have an important role in many physiological processes: they degrade bile pigments, synthesize vitamins and inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Among the numerous viruses, bacteria and microscopic fungus that colonize our body, there is also Candida albicans that develops in… Read more »
Most Effective Yeast Infection Remedies
Yeast is present in different parts of our body such as the genital areas, skin and mouth but in little amount only. They are kept in control by many factors in the body that fight infections like bacteria and micro-organisms. But due to some conditions, the balance between the yeast fungi and the micro-organisms that… Read more »
The Cure of Yeast Infection: 5 Important Facts That You Should Know
Why should you look for a cure of yeast infection while the condition is still mild or moderate? Most people think that this is not a serious condition, that is because root cause of yeast infection (also known as candidiasis) is Candida albicans, a normally harmless organism that is naturally present in the body. It… Read more »
One Minute Healer
Heal the stresses of your life by lessening their effects on your body, mind and spirit. You have a free gift to use any time you feel overwhelmed, upset, even anxiously excited or anticipatory of a great event or gathering, and best of all, it’s free, free, free! It’s your breath that can offer you… Read more »