Treatment for Miscarriage Related To PCOS

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Miscarriage is really a distressing and traumatic experience one pregnant woman or mother can encounter. It would be the saddest feeling on earth, especially on the thought that the baby that is soon to come out from the womb is gone. Miscarriage can affect every pregnant woman especially those with polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Top 10 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding

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Here are top ten tips for a mother to consider in order to breastfeed successfully. 10. Relax. Think about things that calm you down, or make you feel peaceful. Producing milk requires a lot of energy and it can be exhaustive. So put down the phone book or to-do list and just relax.

How Does Childbirth Affect The Vagina?

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Motherhood is something that is eagerly anticipated and you certainly don’t waste time thinking about the effects that childbirth will have on the vagina! That’s not because it’s a scary subject, it’s just that no one seems to want to talk about it! However, if you did bother to think about it yourself, you might… Read more »

Post-Partum Blues – How Exercise Can Help

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It is a well-known fact that many new mothers suffer what is known as post-partum blues after delivering their baby. The emotions can range from a sense of loss of not carrying a baby anymore, or even hit extremes of feeling bad from the added weight. In any case, it is one of the most… Read more »

Heating Pads and Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a very important and cherished stage in any woman’s life. However, the process can completely drain the mother physically and emotionally. There is immense pressure on the body to accommodate a growing fetus. The blood volume doubles.