As a patient advocate for over 10 years I have run across this exclamation more then once. This sort of exclamation tends to come for women over 35 who are seeking birth control that will support their lives. In the case I am remembering the women already had 7 children and had no doubt in… Read more »
Posts Tagged: member
Remembering My First Menopause Sweat
I remember my first experience of the ‘menopause sweat’ – or hot flash as it’s also known – vividly and it was a really unpleasant episode. One minute I was enjoying my lunch and the next I felt as though I was sitting on hot coals.
Herb for Hot Flashes – Damiana May Help
About 10 years ago I learned how I could use an herb for hot flashes. I can remember when I began to experience hot flashes. There were times when, while doing my daily activities, working at my desk or completing my daily chorus, I would suddenly experience a feeling of intense heat along with sweating… Read more »
Stretch Mark Therapy
Stretch mark therapy – what are the alternatives? Although stretch marks (or striae) are considered by most people to be unsightly blemishes which mar their skin, erode their self confidence and prevent them wearing what they want, it should be remembered that they are not harmful in any way, and do not represent a medical… Read more »
Menstruation Calculators
One of the best things that a woman can do to keep track of her period cycles is by using menstruation calculators. These calculators will allow you to keep track of your start and stop times so that you can manage your busy schedule around them. By being able to keep track of your monthly… Read more »
Why a Size Label Doesn’t Mean Anything About Your Body: Part 1
You know that it’s just not a smart idea to pick a blouse up off the rack and take it through the checkout without trying it on. And when you do try it on, chances are that you’ll feel so bad about how it looks on your body that you’ll either head straight to the… Read more »
Are There Any Dangers When You Combine Caffeine And Pregnancy?
Caffeine is a stimulant which affects the functions of the body in several ways. One who consumes it will experience an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. This can be very dangerous for a pregnant woman. The answer to the question, are there any dangers when you combine caffeine and pregnancy, is maybe. However,… Read more »
Women, Learn to Deal With Loose Bowel Leakage
Women, Learn to Deal with Loose Bowel Leakage It may not be usually discussed among friends and family members, but loose bowel leakage is very real and, in fact, common. It affects millions of Americans, and it is most typical among women. Loose bowel leakage (LBL) is defined as the uncontrollable release of feces or… Read more »
How to Prevent Your Breasts From Sagging
Physical appearance is huge these days! That’s why so many people spend thousands upon thousands of dollars a month on gym memberships, hair removals, body wraps, beauty salons, and etc. There is so much we can do to enhance our over all beauty, however, are breasts are a little more tricky to work with.
Yeast Infection Symptoms That Every Woman Should Watch Out For
While yeast infection may tend to be a not-so-serious condition, yeast infection symptoms can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable to everyone. Remember, in the case of symptoms associated to any of vaginal, oral, anal, or breast yeast infection, they can vary from mild to severe. However, no matter how severe or mild the symptoms might… Read more »