The Influences of Vaginal Dryness on Your Sex Life

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Any impacts of vaginal dryness upon your sex life are generally miserable. While intimacy definitely isn’t the vital thing in a romance, there is absolutely no denying that sexual issues can cause other areas of one’s romance as well as your health to deteriorate.

Yoga for Treating Fibroid Tumors in Uterus

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Most natural medicine practitioners recommend Yoga as one of the strategies for treating fibroid tumors in uterus. There are a few Yoga practices which help to reduce the size of uterine tumors. Yoga must however be combined with other strategies like diet changes, lifestyle alterations, acupuncture and herbs for total fibroid cure.

Women, Sex and Relaxation

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We as women always find fault with almost everything in our life; what we eat, how we eat it, which we eat it with, what we say, how we say it and what our faces look like when we say it. It goes on for a long tiring time. We worry about the silliest of… Read more »

How To Deal With Mood Swings During Menopause

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Some women seem to believe that the worst part about menopause is the tension that comes before it, but that definitely isn’t true. One of the worst things about menopause happens to be the mood swings that come with it. Being a woman, you have probably gone through a lot of bad things in your… Read more »

2 Unusual Natural Remedies for PMDD

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There are quite a few natural remedies for PMDD that are very effective in helping you not only overcome the immediate symptoms of this disorder, but also to cure the underlying causes of PMDD. No single PMDD natural remedy will eliminate PMDD from your life though, you need to be using a number of them… Read more »

Different Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections

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Yeast infection, or candidiasis is one of the most common vaginal infections that women usually experience. According to research, about 75% of women are likely to experience one at least once in their life. Studies have also shown that a significant percentage of women suffer from recurrent or chronic yeast infection. There are numerous factors… Read more »