The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women should get an accumulation of 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day for most or all days of the week. Exercising during pregnancy brings a host of benefits, including boosting your energy, helping you sleep better, helping to reduce pregnancy discomfort, helping the… Read more »
Posts Tagged: leg
Fibroid Pain – Diagnosis
Fibroid pain can be tricky to diagnose. With fibroids you may experience pelvic pain, discomfort or heaviness. Fibroids may also cause lower abdominal pain, low back pain, hip pain, groin pain or pain in the upper legs. How do you make a correct diagnosis of fibroid pain?
A Few Vital Things To Know About OB/GYN Specialists
Did you know that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has recommended regular visits to an OB/GYN (Obstetrician/Gynecologist) from an early age? Regular care and treatment from a reputed OB/GYN helps teenage girls to maintain good sexual health throughout their lives. An obstetrician – gynecologist provides care to a woman at every step… Read more »
Why a Size Label Doesn’t Mean Anything About Your Body Part 2
In the first part of this article series, we looked at just how different one clothing factory’s sizes are to every other factory’s clothes. In part 2, we’ll be looking at the role of the designer, and why their design is just their opinion of what that size looks like – and why that shouldn’t… Read more »
Unwanted Hair Growth (Hirsutism) in Women – Things You Should Know
Unwanted hair growth in women is called as Hirsutism. Hair may grow unusually around the upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen, or the legs. The typical reaction by women is to treat it locally. Local treatments may include laser hair removal, hair removing creams, or similar other treatments. However, local treatment may not always be enough!
Women Making Money With Egg Donor Agencies
College-aged women can make up to $10,000 per egg by donating their eggs to donor agencies. Infertile couples will pay all of the medical expenses for extracting the egg, and the woman will be hugely compensated.
Start Pap Test Later and Have Fewer
Medical experts are reviewing guidelines for Pap test based on the number of health screenings required for the test. Now it is advised, that women should get their first test done at age 21. The recommendations can be obtained from the guidelines released by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The guidelines also recommend that… Read more »
Varicose Veins – The Woman’s Perspective (Part I)
Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be visible in form of blue, red colored cords and appear twisted and bulging. They can be swollen and raised above the surface of the skin. Although can be found anywhere in your body, usually they appear on the legs and this might require varicose veins treatment.
Best Hair Removal Options
Having dark hair in your arms and legs is really annoying if you are a woman since not all women have this irritating body hair. Sometimes it is not just dark, but it is mostly leg hair that is turning curly if you started shaving it.
Compression Stockings For Varicose Vein Treatment
Even though varicosities can occur almost anywhere in the body, most develop in the legs. Once they form, they persist until they are treated. Varicose veins can be resolved with endovenous laser therapy (ELT), sclerotherapy, or a technique called VNUS, which uses radiofrequency (i.e. sound wave) occlusion.