Most Effective Yeast Infection Remedies

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Yeast is present in different parts of our body such as the genital areas, skin and mouth but in little amount only. They are kept in control by many factors in the body that fight infections like bacteria and micro-organisms. But due to some conditions, the balance between the yeast fungi and the micro-organisms that… Read more »

How to Become Pregnant: What Hinders Pregnancy

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Some women can easily conceive whenever they want to. Others have difficulty for some various reasons. Knowing how to get pregnant is best done by simply being aware of what hinders pregnancy. By being able to overcome such factors, you can increase your chances of conceiving a child. There are pregnancy remedies available but not… Read more »

Natural Female Libido Enhancers That Work

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With age, most women tend to lose their sexual drive. However, there are also other contributing factors that may cause a woman to lose her libido. This includes stress and medical prescriptions. Luckily, there are a variety of options that people who are suffering from this condition can use to boost back their desire. Many… Read more »

The Importance Of Protein For Women

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Are you concerned about your body? Exercise is not the only factor that should be considered, if one wants to stay healthy and fit. An effective diet, with the right mix of protein for women, is just as important. Combined with adequate exercise, this will bring you several benefits.

One Step Closer for Female Sexual Dysfunction

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Much debate surrounds the topic of female sexual dysfunction. It is without satisfactory evidence that it is deemed merely an invention provoked by greedy pharmaceutical companies. A recent study takes us one step further towards recognising FSD as a treatable condition.

Yeast Infections – Causes, Factors, and Diagnosis

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The first step to curing a yeast infection is to confirm that one exists. Vaginal yeast infections, also known as yeast vaginitis, are extremely common throughout the world. It is estimated that 75% of all women globally are afflicted with at least one yeast infection during their lifetime.