Ways To Prevent And Treat Bone Loss

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Bone loss is a major issue affecting the life of women who have reached the age of menopause. As women we gain the highest bone mass in our body when we reach the age of 30 and start losing the bone density slowly in between the age of 30-35.

Using a Stocking to Prevent Varicose Veins

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Varicose veins are abnormal dilation of blood vessels in the cavity behind the pressure caused by back flow of blood that flows in it. This occurs due to two things: first, there is a blockage/emphasis that prevents back flow and the second is when the reverse flow of blood to the heart more than normal… Read more »

How to Deal With Your Longest Period

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There are times in your life when you’re going to feel like your period is never going to end. Sometimes this is a naturally occurring event, but there are things you need to know and do when dealing with this problem.