Often irritation after intercourse is actually caused by pubic hair chafing the delicate genital skin. Please note: hair removal is not going to be effective unless your partner does the same! Sometimes we have an overgrowth of fungal or bacterial microbes in our vagina without really noticing any symptoms. We may only notice the irritation… Read more »
Posts Tagged: discomfort
What Cures Bacterial Vaginosis? Powerful Effective Treatments
What cures bacterial vaginosis for good? Well, if you are struggling with the pain, embarrassment and discomfort of BV, that is definitely an important question to answer. In order to answer it, however, you need to start at the beginning and really examine the cause of the issue.
How to Overcome Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is an evident change in the state of woman, arising in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappearing with the onset of menses. Up to 80% of women experience some kind of discomfort before menses. However, 5-10% of women have severe symptoms of PMS. Related Blogs Related Blogs on How… Read more »
Yeast Infection Itch Relief Found In Your Home Kitchen
Yeast infections can occur on men, women, children and babies. For women, yeast infection itch relief may be sought when contracting this infection in or around the vaginal area. The intense itching that occurs can feel more like a burning sensation causing serious discomfort.
Overly Huge Breasts – When Big Breast Size Becomes a Problem
Women who have small breasts are dreaming of having large breast size but for women who have naturally big breasts, their overly huge breasts are a nightmare. Women with huge heavy breasts may experience a variety of health and psychological problems. The size of a woman’s breast can affect her social and personal life. For… Read more »
Some Useful Remedies For Candida
There are many remedies for candida which can be effective and help you to overcome common symptoms such as itching and general discomfort. Many people will experience this at some point in their lives but thankfully it is something which we know a lot about and can be treated in a number of different and… Read more »
Vaginal Dryness – Causes And Treatments For Full Relief From Discomfort
Vaginal dryness is a condition that creates great discomfort with many women, whether they are young menopausal or in between. Finding the best treatment is not always easy and can mean changing birth control medication and taking supplements?
Yeast Cures – A Holistic Approach
It is most frequently found that, in women, yeast infections are the second most common instigators of vaginal discharge, discomfort, itching and burning. Yeasts are found in the vagina of between 20% and 50% of healthy women, but a change of environment in the vagina can cause the yeasts to multiply. The use of antibiotics… Read more »
4 Pointers to Women Most At Risk of Urinary Tract Infections
When it comes to discussing urinary tract infections, it seems that every woman who has ever walked this earth has suffered from this awful and debilitating infection. The discomfort begins with when one is infected with a bacterium called Escherichia coli (usually a resident of the colon), which makes it way up the bladder and… Read more »
Prenatal Exercise Overview
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women should get an accumulation of 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day for most or all days of the week. Exercising during pregnancy brings a host of benefits, including boosting your energy, helping you sleep better, helping to reduce pregnancy discomfort, helping the… Read more »