Anti-Candida Diet – Foods To Eat And Foods To Avoid To Get Rid Of Yeast Infection Naturally!

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The human being lives in constant symbiosis with numerous micro-organisms. Most of these “guests” have an important role in many physiological processes: they degrade bile pigments, synthesize vitamins and inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Among the numerous viruses, bacteria and microscopic fungus that colonize our body, there is also Candida albicans that develops in… Read more »

Lose Pregnancy Weight The Right Way

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Losing pregnancy weight the right way sounds like a great plan. So, what exactly is the “right way”? Well, I’m sure you don’t want to here this, but the right way is through a good diet and exercise plan, together.

Dieting and Sagging Breasts – The Problems

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Around this time of the year many women are looking to start new diets and improve their appearance and the look of their figures. A healthy diet is very important and coupled with proper exercises can really be a life changing event. Over the years studies have shown that while changing to a healthy diet… Read more »

The Top 5 Cellulite Exercises

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In this article I cover the 5 best exercises for reducing cellulite and what they entail. Also there is some basic information on what cellulite is and how diet can effect it in conjunction with the exercise.

Estrogen and Weight Gain

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If a woman is gaining weight, there could be numerous reasons for it other than eating fat laden food and leading a sedentary life. At times, even though a woman has not made any changes to her diet, it is quite possible that she notices that she has put on weight around her stomach region…. Read more »