Hormones and Menopause – What You Should Know

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Hormones and menopause are frequently much discussed topics during the menopause transition. Most of the time, the menopause transition is characterized by hormonal imbalance. In this article I will review the two hormones that are the most affected and what can be done for the relief of menopause symptoms.

Hormones and Menopause – What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

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Women lose hormones as they get older. While the menopause transition usually occurs around age 50, perimenopause, the transition to menopause can start in the early thirties. Hormones and menopause is an important topic because most if not all the premenopause and menopause symptoms are due to hormonal imbalance.

Relief From Menopause Symptoms – Some Natural Solutions

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The menopause transition is a time of hormonal imbalance for most women. With the hormonal imbalance comes symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, fatigue, depression, vaginal dryness, etc. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may be able to get relief from menopause symptoms through natural treatments. Here are some tips to… Read more »

Vaginitis – Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis, Candida and Trichomoniasis

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Vaginitis is vaginal inflammation that causes pain, itching, and a “fishy” vaginal discharge. The condition results from an infection or changes in the vagina’s normal bacteria balance. There are three major types of vaginitis and they are bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is the most common type of vaginal infection, candida albicans (commonly known as a… Read more »

What Is an Ovarian Cysts Diet?

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We are being told that we are eating more and more foods that are unhealthy and that these poor diets are causing a variety of medical issues. Ovarian cysts have been linked to a poor diet and by following an ovarian cysts diet; it is possible to correct the imbalance that the malnutrition has caused.