Although yeast is known by many names including Candida, Monila, and thrush – all of them essentially refer to the same thing, which would be an infection caused by a type of fungus. Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with a bacterial infection, in fact, yeast is really used by the body… Read more »
Posts Tagged: yeast infections
Enduring the Emotional Pain of Suffering From Yeast Infections
Although you can deal with the physical symptoms of yeast infections through various treatments and cures, there is another type of pain that it brings on which is not so easy to handle. Aside from the physical effect of yeast infections, there is a definite emotional component too, and having to go through a trial… Read more »
Discover How a Weak Immune System is the Reason Why Yeast Infections Start
In case you didn’t already know, what we generally refer to as ‘yeast infections’ are really just an overgrowth of Candida albicans which then proceeds to invade our body and wreck havoc (so to speak!). Frankly speaking, this Candida albicans really isn’t much to be feared at all, and in fact it is present in… Read more »
Exploring the Medical Approach to Cure a Yeast Infection
Despite the fact that so many people are turning to natural yeast infection cures, the truth is that there do exist medications to help treat yeast. Granted, actual medications are a lot more expensive, and there is no ‘guarantee’ of results, however medical science has come a long way in the last few years alone… Read more »
Exploring the Causes and Factors Behind Yeast Infections
If you’re able to understand the causes and factors behind yeast infections, you should be able to deal with the yeast infection itself. Were it any normal condition, this would certainly be the case – however, the fact of the matter is that yeast infections present a slightly bigger problem seeing as they’re not really… Read more »
Did You Know That Yeast Infections Could Be in Your Mouth?
Many people tend to associate yeast infections with the private parts, considering that most cases of yeast infections tend to remain concentrated around the genital area. However the truth is that yeast infections can really take place anywhere at all, including your skin, nails, and yes – even inside your mouth!
Avoiding 3 Dangerous Treatments For Yeast Infections
If you have a yeast infection, and you’re suffering from the constant discomfort, itching, and burning sensations that seem to be unbearable, then you’d probably do practically anything to make it go away, right? Should you feel this way, be careful. While trying different cures for yeast infections is normally harmless, to do so blindly… Read more »
Preventing Yeast Infections – What to Do
Having a Yeast Infection can be a wretched experience! It can be hard to find out about what causes it and what the symptoms can be. You also want to know about Preventing Yeast Infections permanently as quickly as possible, as they can so easily reappear.
Chronic Yeast Infections – Here We Go Again
Dealing with a Chronic Yeast Infections is something that can be truly frustrating and physically draining. These people deal with having at least six yeast infections a year.
Should You Have Sex With a Yeast Infection and What Advice Should You Follow If You Decide to Do It?
Yeast infections can not only be troublesome for the obvious reasons, but also for the not so obvious. If you have a yeast infection, this doesn’t mean you might not still be inclined to feel like having sex. Is it safe to have sex if you have an infection? Are there any precautions you should… Read more »