There are numerous yeast infection remedies to eliminate your infection and even more to get immediate relief while you figure out what you can do. There many places these infections can occur; under arms, between toes, babies diaper area, skin folds in over weight people, vaginal infection, and crotch areas, ears, mouth and nail fungus.
Posts Tagged: yeast infection
Treating Mouth Yeast Infections – To Get Rid of it You Need to Understand the Problem First
You were probably mortified the first time you encountered mouth yeast infections. Imagine waking up one morning thinking you only had canker sores, only they had a whitish-cream-like color. The next two days, the “canker sores” worsen. If you’re lucky, these are probably painless. If you’re not so lucky, you probably experienced the more invasive… Read more »
Why Does My Vagina Smell? Pinpointing the Source of the Problem
Are you one of the many women who ask the question “Why does my vagina smell bad?” An unpleasant odor in the vagina is not an uncommon occurrence in women. Unfortunately, this doesn’t make it any less embarrassing. Most of the time, the unpleasant odor also comes with discomfort and itchiness. When you’re experiencing this,… Read more »
How to Prevent a Vaginal Yeast Infection – Here Are Very Important Things You Should Know!
Normally it is very easy to get rid of a yeast infection but in some rare cases it comes back. If untreated it could ruin your life. An example is that of chronic candida that reappears every time it is managed to be suppressed. After some time it gets harder and harder to suppress even… Read more »
Does Your Vagina Itch a Lot? Stop Irritation Caused by Candida Now!
If you regularly suffer from vaginal itching, redness, and painful burning, you may be one of the millions of women experiencing the effects of a yeast infection. Yeast infections are one of the most common ailments afflicting women – as well as one of the most embarrassing. Though the candida fungus that causes yeast infections… Read more »
Treatment of Yeast Infections
There cannot be many conditions more unpleasant and awful than a yeast infection. Also called candida, this irritating condition can leave you feeling quite miserable. There are thought to be many causes so finding out how to treat yeast infection is not so easy.
Treating a Yeast Infection
A Yeast Infection is a condition caused by an overgrowth of a species of Yeast called Candida Albicans. It can be extremely distressing and have many unpleasant symptoms. Also known as Candida, it is quite common with up to 75% of women expected to suffer at some point. It is also, sadly, a recurring condition…. Read more »
Yeast Infections – 3 Ways Diet Can Help Get Rid of Candida!
In order to treat yeast infections, or Candida, as they are also known, we must first understand their causes. It’s a pretty complex condition that starts internally and usually has a number of contributory factors. Basically in everyone’s body, a yeast called Candida Albicans exists.
Why is My Itchy Vagina Also Sore? – Reasons For a Sore Vagina and Painful Vaginal Itching Infections
Have you noticed your vaginal area becoming so itchy and sore? This is a very painful condition and an infective state of yeast infection. People who are suffering from yeast infection commonly have an itchy feeling and bad smelling discharges, but developing severe cases can result to a sore vagina. This creates a burning sensation… Read more »
Fibromyalgia and Yeast Infections – Tips on How to Eliminate Them
I found several cases of my friends that they develop fibromyalgia and yeast infections right after having a hysterectomy. They are confused how this could happen and whether FMS (Fibromyalgia Syndrome) is part of candidiasis symptoms or not.