Having yeast infection is never easy. But did you know that it does not only happen to adults, but also to children? Get to know the safest cure for a yeast infection.
Posts Tagged: yeast infection
Natural Relief From Yeast Infection Now
Yeast infection, also known as candidiasis (pronounced: can-dih-die-uh-sis), is the name for a common infection caused by a yeast called candida albicans (a type of fungus). Candida can overgrow for many reasons, stress, pregnancy, and illnesses to name a few. It usually occurs in warm, moist parts of the body, such as the mouth and… Read more »
Yeast Infection During Pregnancy – What is the Cause?
Some women find that they experience their first yeast infection while pregnant. This can cause the mother to be quite distressed as treating it and getting relief may seem more difficult because they have to take into account the effect it could have on the baby.
Yeast Infections – The FAQ’s Answered
Am I making my infection worse? For many folks (women in particular) they just don’t know that they’re making their infection worse with some bad yeast promoting decisions. The problem is, few people know the ins and outs of yeast overgrowth, and have no idea how to treat it. When the infections symptoms are genital… Read more »
How to Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection – Can You Cure the Yeast With Food?
Do you know that Candida albican is responsible for the infection called yeast infection? The infection is from the growth of yeast while the balance of bacteria in the area is disturbed. The bacteria mentioned here are the bacteria which reside naturally in the cavity. It is possible to cure the infection by many methods…. Read more »
Vitamin B and Yeast Infection – Does Vitamin B Feed the Yeast? The Fact You Should Know
This article will explain the connection between Vitamin B and the yeast. It is based on what my friend has found, she found information on the internet, something about this: (calcium/dairy, sugar, vitamin B, vitamin A, grains) + corn and chicken/eggs. So she asks me several things.
Can Systemic Candida Yeast Infections Be Cured? A Success Story
This article will answer question about systemic candida yeast infection, and whether it can be cured or not. The article is based on a friend’s experience. She had a 2 year case of systemic candida about 15 years ago and can tell you that you CAN get over it and eat anything you please. She… Read more »
Natural Vaginal Yeast Infection Remedies – Cure Your Yeast Infection at Home
Are you looking for Natural Vaginal Yeast Infection Remedies? Well if you are tired of embarrassing doctor visits and want to take control over your infection then a natural remedy is the way to go. Holistic, natural cures are becoming more popular everyday. Related Blogs Related Blogs on Natural Vaginal Yeast Infection Remedies – Cure… Read more »
The Easy Way to Avoid a Vaginal Yeast Infection During Pregnancy
Statistics show that 3 out of 4 women are likely to experience some form of vaginal yeast infection during their lifetime. Women who are pregnant are not exempt from this infection either, because they are even more likely to contract it. It is said that vaginal yeast infections are easiest to contract during the stages… Read more »
3 Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments You Ought to Know
With the way most women pay attention to their bodies these days, you would think they were quite familiar and knowledgeable on it. However, familiarity does not necessarily translate into knowledge, and this is why we have to keep women well-informed.