Only a menopause specialist would know about all the factors that influence menopause phase in a woman’s life. Basically, menopause takes place when progesterone and estrogen production level decreases.
Posts Tagged: Woman
Symptoms of Trichomoniasis in Women
Vaginal trichomoniasis, a type of vaginal infection caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis, is the most common cause of vaginitis in the women of reproductive age group. Suffering would be less if women are able to identify the condition in time and take proper treatment. Here are the symptoms of Vaginal trichomoniasis, which every… Read more »
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Natural Treatment Options
Some kind of medication is often prescribed when a physician or endocrinologist diagnoses PCOS in a woman. However, there are a plenty of natural methods you can utilize in order to prevent and treat your PCOS and ovarian cysts.
Things You Need To Know About Bacterial Vaginosis
Getting a vaginal infection is every woman’s worst nightmare. Women are susceptible to a variety of them, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Though, one that is sometimes overlooked is bacterial vaginosis.
Breast Biopsy – A Woman’s Concern
Breast concerns are one of the major issues in a woman’s health. As many breast diseases and disorders are on a rise, regular tests and check-ups have become vital for women’s health welfare.
Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedies – 3 Economical Treatments
It seems to be that less and less women these days are resorting to using antibiotics for their BV. There is a definite shift towards using bacterial vaginosis home remedies possibly for a number of reasons. The long list of possible side effects and adverse reactions a woman suffering from BV might experience when using… Read more »
Antibiotics For BV – How Effective Are They?
Finding out whether antibiotics for BV can really be useful in alleviating BV or not is not an easy job. Very often it can depend on the severity of the condition and the individual reaction to them. There are still a lot of medical practitioners who believe and continue to recommend or prescribe antibiotics for… Read more »
How Does Vegetarianism Affect Pregnancy?
There are a lot of questions about vegetarianism on a whole but when it comes to pregnant vegetarians the questions are even more. Though many times the questions are meant well it can be a little much for pregnant women when everyone wants to criticize her eating habits and her lifestyle and the potential affects… Read more »
Menstruation Calculators
One of the best things that a woman can do to keep track of her period cycles is by using menstruation calculators. These calculators will allow you to keep track of your start and stop times so that you can manage your busy schedule around them. By being able to keep track of your monthly… Read more »
Increase Sex Drive in Menopause Naturally
Menopause is known to dramatically decrease a woman’s interest in sex. However, you can increase sex drive in menopause naturally as well as improve on the other effects it has simply by taking certain vitamins. Find out which vitamins and supplements and their doses…