How to Overcome Premenstrual Syndrome

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Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is an evident change in the state of woman, arising in the second half of the menstrual cycle and disappearing with the onset of menses. Up to 80% of women experience some kind of discomfort before menses. However, 5-10% of women have severe symptoms of PMS. Related Blogs Related Blogs on How… Read more »

Pap Smear – Reporting Your Test Results

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The Pap smear is undertaken by women all over the world. Along with testing the general health of the woman the test is also used to check for cancers and tumors in the female reproductive system. The diseases which may affect the reproductive organs not only affect the reproductive system, but also the general health.

Ovarian Cysts – A Variety of Treatment Options

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Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid and they are formed if the egg is not released during the woman’s menstrual cycle. They are very common among women of all ages. Generally, ovarian cysts are harmless. However, if they cause some problems for a woman they usually can be treated by an OB/GYN.

Caregiving Through Inner Beauty and Sexuality

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Do you find yourself caregiving to others time and time again when a friend or family member need emotional or physical support? As a woman, the older we get, the more our brains are wired for self-care and new challenges however the old habits can be difficult to break. A path to caring for yourself… Read more »

Several Methods for Pregnancy Prevention

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There are several ways to prevent pregnancy as there are a wide range of contraceptive measures available on the market that help prevent pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted diseases. However, contraception like any other medical procedure has advantages as well as disadvantages. One method of preventing pregnancy such as the calendar month method are… Read more »