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Posts Tagged: Varicose
All About Pueraria Mirifica: Breast Enlargement Product How Succesful
The Breast Serum is abstractly a natural firming and strengthening product that adds volume to those drooping, flaccid breasts. The Breast Serum is rapidly absorbed into the body then thus increasing the cellular structure of the breasts, and making them nice and taut. Just use the Breast Serum, and reap the benefits just by having… Read more »
Using a Stocking to Prevent Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are abnormal dilation of blood vessels in the cavity behind the pressure caused by back flow of blood that flows in it. This occurs due to two things: first, there is a blockage/emphasis that prevents back flow and the second is when the reverse flow of blood to the heart more than normal… Read more »
Varicose Veins – The Woman’s Perspective (Part I)
Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be visible in form of blue, red colored cords and appear twisted and bulging. They can be swollen and raised above the surface of the skin. Although can be found anywhere in your body, usually they appear on the legs and this might require varicose veins treatment.
Sclerotherapy – A Non Surgical Procedure
For those who suffer from varicose veins that have become enlarged and feel uncomfortable. Then generally their doctor will recommend that they treat the condition using a procedure known as Sclerotherapy. This is not only a much less invasive form of treating such problems but also results in the person suffering from far less side… Read more »
Vein Removal – Is It For You?
For quite some time the spider and varicose vein removal was quite a difficult and tedious process. In the past the only way that these medical conditions could be treated was through the use of surgery. But for the millions of people who do suffer from problems related to their veins there are several other… Read more »
Compression Stockings For Varicose Vein Treatment
Even though varicosities can occur almost anywhere in the body, most develop in the legs. Once they form, they persist until they are treated. Varicose veins can be resolved with endovenous laser therapy (ELT), sclerotherapy, or a technique called VNUS, which uses radiofrequency (i.e. sound wave) occlusion.