Bacterial vaginosis or Gardinerella Vaginitis as is commonly called is an infection due to the increased growth of certain kind of bacteria in the vagina region. This infection may not necessarily cause any symptoms, but it can lead to increased greyish- white discharge and embarrassing foul fishy odor. In certain cases, it can result in… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Vaginitis
How To Get Rid Of Bacterial Vaginitis
Do you have bacterial vaginitis? Find out exactly what bacterial vaginitis is so you can take the steps required to get rid of BV permanently.
Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Vaginal Yeast Infection
Vaginal yeast infection is most commonly caused because of the fungus candida albicans. It’s also known as monilial vaginitis or vaginal candidiasis. Most women suffer from this ailment at some point in their life. The disease can also appear in the digestive tract, skin and the mouth.
Yeast Infections – Causes, Factors, and Diagnosis
The first step to curing a yeast infection is to confirm that one exists. Vaginal yeast infections, also known as yeast vaginitis, are extremely common throughout the world. It is estimated that 75% of all women globally are afflicted with at least one yeast infection during their lifetime.
Bacterial Vaginosis Causes and Treatments
Bacterial vaginosis, or Gardnerella vaginitis as it was previously known as, represents a change in the normal bacteria levels in the vagina. This vaginal condition is the results from the increased growth of the vagina’s normal bacteria. Though bacterial vaginosis may not cause symptoms, many women with the condition report an increased discharge or “fishy”… Read more »
Treat Vaginal Infections, it Will Improve Your Health and Sex Life
Vaginitis is characterized by vaginal irritations or itches. It is accompanied whitish discharges that smell awfully. It is either caused by bacteria, fungi commonly known as yeast infections or parasitic protozoans.
Bacterial Vaginitis
Bacterial vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina caused by bacteria. You may be wondering to yourself, “Well, how did the bacteria get there in the first place? Who put it there? Who can I blame?”
Home Treatments For Bacterial Vaginitis
There are various home treatments for bacterial vaginitis which you can try right away which can help you regain your freshness. If you have BV, you are likely to have a foul, fishy smelling discharge which is gray or white in color and watery. Many women also have some form of irritation of the delicate… Read more »
Dealing With a Bacterial Yeast Infection
The term vaginitis refers to an inflammation of the vagina that may cause irritation, discharge, odor, and/or itching. This condition can be caused by many factors, including a bacterial vaginal infection, hormonal changes, disease, medications, sexual intercourse, stress, or something as simple as an allergic reaction to detergent or lubricant. For this reason, it is… Read more »
Have You Been Diagnosed With Gardenella Vaginitis?
Bacterial Vaginitis Yellow Gardenella is a nasty infection that can affect both men and women. The most obvious symptom of gardenlla vaginitis (also known as Bacterial Vaginosis) for women is a foul odor. If you notice a fishy odor emanating from the nether regions, you might want to see a doctor to confirm whether or… Read more »