Bacterial Vaginosis, also termed as BV, is a common vaginal infection that is suffered by several women today. Most of the women suffer from BV and the common cause of this infection is wearing underwear made from synthetic material or using low quality pads or tampons during periods.
Posts Tagged: Vaginal
Symptoms of Vaginal Atrophy – How it Starts
One of the most devastating conditions of menopause is vaginal atrophy. When this happens, it can become almost impossible to engage in sexual intercourse. However, this is a highly treatable condition. Read this article to learn several methods of treatment.
Vaginal Yeast Infections – Common Questions
This article covers common questions surrounding a common woman condition called Candidiasis. It covers what it is, causes, symptoms and treatments available.
Severe Vaginal Atrophy – Are You Treating it the Way You Should?
Vaginal atrophy is a condition that affects most women at some point in their life. If left untreated, it can become so severe that your sexual life will practically disappear. Make sure you read this article to learn what the symptoms are and how to prevent it.
How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor – Eliminate Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally
One of the most embarrassing situations we women can face is dealing with bacterial vaginosis. That constant worry that others will notice, and the fear of being intimate because of the smell. I know what this is like and I am sure you are wondering how to get rid of vaginal odor.
Causes Cures For Vaginal Odor
Have you been suffering from vaginal odor endlessly? Tired of using antibiotics are you desperate to find a natural cure for vaginal smell relief? Trust me you are not alone.
What is Vaginal Atrophy? Signs and Symptoms of an Atrophied Vagina
Vaginal atrophy is one of the worst things that can happen to a woman after menopause. This condition can make sex painful or even impossible. However, it is possible to reverse with the right treatment.
Stop Itching Yeast Infections – You Don’t Have to Put Up With That Itch That is Driving You Crazy
Are you going about your day with an incredibly irritating nonstop itch in your “intimate areas?” If so you probably have a vaginal yeast infection and it is not going away on its own any time soon! There really is nothing worse than waking up in the morning with an itch and hoping it will… Read more »
Cure Yeast Infection – Stop Scratching Yourself to Death and Finally Make the Itching Stop For Good
Most of us have been there: it starts with a small itch in your vaginal area and then progresses to more itching as well as redness, then it goes on to making that area so sensitive and irritated that you can barely function, day or night. It’s the dreaded yeast infection and most women have… Read more »
Cure Yeast Infection – Stop the Non Stop Itching, Scratching, Fidgeting, and Smell and Get Relief!
If you’ve ever suffered from a yeast infection, you know when it’s coming. If not, here’s a few clues that you might have one: it starts with a small itch in your vaginal area and then continues increase to the point where you itch all the time. There is a tenderness and irritation that comes… Read more »