Types And Causes Of Vaginal Prolapse

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Many women could suffer from symptoms of vaginal prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Trouble controlling urine and changes in bowel habits are typically the two most common symptoms. Vaginal prolapse is an issue in which structures such as the uterus, bladder, urethra, small bowel, or the vagina itself begin to fall out of their normal… Read more »

Vaginitis – Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis, Candida and Trichomoniasis

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Vaginitis is vaginal inflammation that causes pain, itching, and a “fishy” vaginal discharge. The condition results from an infection or changes in the vagina’s normal bacteria balance. There are three major types of vaginitis and they are bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is the most common type of vaginal infection, candida albicans (commonly known as a… Read more »

Yeast Infection Test, Symptoms and Diagnosis

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A vaginal yeast infection can be irritating, embarrassing and painful for women to endure. It is created by an over abundance of fungus in the vaginal area that has common symptoms like by vaginal discharge and burning. To determine if you have one, you can simply get a yeast infection test.