Vaginal candidiasis is a condition where the fungus called candida multiplies causing vaginal discharge, irritation of the skin around the vagina, painful urination, pain during intercourse and stubborn, irresistible itching. It is important to consult your doctor at the earliest indication of the infection to avoid long-term complications.
Posts Tagged: vaginal discharge
Yeast Infection – Cure Vaginal Discharge And Regain Your Health
Millions of women get yeast infections each year, and many are either embarrassed or don’t know much about what a yeast infection is or how to cure it. Having knowledge about yeast infection is the first step and the most important one to cure this annoying, painful, chronic condition.
Popular and Effective Bacterial Vaginosis Remedies
Bacterial vaginosis is a type of vagina infection in which there is a surge in the number of anaerobic bacteria which can change the pH of the environment. This disease is characterized by the production of vaginal discharge which is smelly and has a fishy odor.
Are Vagina Tightening Creams Better Than Surgery?
Vagina tightening creams are herbal formulations mainly used to tighten a loose vagina and act as a natural lubricant as well acts as an anti bacterial remedy thereby taking care of bad odor and white vaginal discharge. In this article let us find out why women are giving these creams preference over vaginal tightening surgery… Read more »
Home Remedies For a Bad Smelling Vaginal Discharge
There are some subjects that nobody wants to talk about. For example, most people do not want to talk about bad breath as both men and women are both self-conscious of this. There are a long list of other things that are sort of taboo.
Bacterial Vaginosis and Its Danger to Women
Do you think you’re suffering from an annoying smelly vaginal discharge? Have you noticed a growth to your vaginal discharge as well as the shifting with the color from clear to grayish-white? For other instances, experiencing serious stomach discomfort, intensive itching, inflammation, burning feeling and oftentimes cramps? Certainly lady, you must see a doctor immediately… Read more »
Treat Your Bacterial Vaginosis Now and Have a Long Lasting Relief
Bacterial Vaginosis, otherwise known as BV, is now considerably the most common cause of infection within a woman’s reproductive organ. Vaginal discharge along with annoying stinky smell is experienced with a lot of girls all over the world. Related Blogs Related Blogs on Treat Your Bacterial Vaginosis Now and Have a Long Lasting Relief
Best Natural Cures For Treating Bacterial Vaginosis
According to medical experts, the onset of bacterial vaginosis is linked to balance of acid/alkaline of the vagina and their concession with bacteria or other mysterious agents of the same nature. Sometimes the vaginal discharge starts with stinking odor. In many cases the vaginal discharge is noticed when it smells like a fish odor, usually… Read more »
Bacterial Vaginosis – Learn to Know Its Treatments!
Imbalance of the normal bacteria in the vagina is the common reason of having bacterial vaginosis. BV is a type of infection in the vagina, when it happens you will have an abnormal vaginal discharge which will produce an unpleasant odor. You can also feel itchiness around vaginal area and a burning sensation when you… Read more »
The Importance of Seeking Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment
Now what are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis? The main two symptoms are experience vaginal discharge and odor. Vaginal discharge is actually normal; however, if you are experiencing unusually excessive amounts of it, then it may be time to consult your doctor.