Addressing The Types Of Gender Inequality Around The World (3): Domestic Violence in the DRC

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In many parts of Africa, domestic violence is a rampant phenomenon and often a taboo to address publicly. Many African countries treat it as a punishable offence constitutionally but typically fail in effective enforcement, thereby promoting the opposite to be carried out regularly in society. In the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.), it is considered… Read more »

Choosing The Right Fertility Clinic

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There are reports out now that will attest to the fact that women are having a harder time conceiving because of our pollution, not having a good diet and exercise program and even processed food. After the couple has done everything they can they will turn to choosing a fertility clinic to have that bundle… Read more »

Natural Solutions to Causes of Infertility in Women

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The causes of infertility in women are well known and understood but most women go straight to the doctor or hospital in desperation to become pregnant. The majority of the reasons for not being able to get pregnant can be overcome by natural means that avoid all the intrusive procedures and potential side effects of… Read more »

Different Types Of Woman Libido Enhancers to Improve Sex Drive

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Women may sometimes lack in sexual desire and libido. There could be a variety of causes behind this, like mental issues, emotional problems, stress, fatigue, dryness of vagina, menopause, diabetes, hypothyroidism etc. But using one of the many solutions described above can prove to be useful in bringing her sex drive back to normal.

Uterine Fibroids and Pregnancy – Conflicts to Expect

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Uterine fibroids and pregnancy often happen at the same time. In fact many women remain ignorant about their uterine tumors. Only when they go in for routine gynecological test do they come to know of the fibroids. Often women come to know of fibroids after conceiving when they go in for an ultrasound.