Menopause Supplements – A Natural Menopause Treatment

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For many years, the most highly recommended menopause treatment appeared to be hormone replacement therapy (HRT), however in later years a large research called the Women’s Health Initiative concluded that the long-term use of estrogen or progesterone, as well as estrogen blend therapies triggered a greater chance of blood clots and stroke in women. Because… Read more »

Herbal Remedies for Better Health and Hormone Balance

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Newsflash: Conventional medicine is responsible for 255,000 deaths per year in the United States, and almost half of those are from adverse reactions to prescription drugs. Just because a pharmaceutical drug has been studied in a laboratory, regulated by the FDA and prescribed by a doctor, it does not necessarily mean that it is safe… Read more »

The Best Massage for Cellulite Reduction

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In recent times, one of the main issues that have been recorded to affect the well-being of women is the emergence of cellulite in their thighs. It has been shown to affect self-esteem as many women are limited to the clothes that they can wear. This article therefore seeks to provide simple yet effective solutions… Read more »

Relief From Menopause Symptoms – Some Natural Solutions

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The menopause transition is a time of hormonal imbalance for most women. With the hormonal imbalance comes symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, fatigue, depression, vaginal dryness, etc. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may be able to get relief from menopause symptoms through natural treatments. Here are some tips to… Read more »

8 Reasons Why Women Gain Weight

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As women we tend to have many factors working against us when it comes to controlling our weight. Our once youthful metabolism has all but diminished and we are left with a weaker and much slower one. There are many contributing factors as to why women gain weight.