I bet there is not many of you counting men as well as women who knew that up to 95% of people who treat their candidiasis by conventional methods actually end up with a recurrent infection? How disappointing is that? When you spend a lot of time and money on a product to cure your… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Uses
Yeast Infections, Candidiasis and Thrush – What’s the Difference?
Yeast infections are horrible infections that affect mostly women, although men can suffer too. But what is thrush and Candidiasis? Here, you’ll discover the truth, plus, the symptoms and underlying causes.
What May Be the Major Causes of a Yeast Infection?
Have you ever thought of what are the causes of a yeast infection that a lot of women are having? Being aware of the causes of this disease is a great advantage to your health. Besides, you can figure out easily if you are having yeast infection because you have some knowledge about it.
Information About Obstetrics and Gynecology
Obstetrics and Gynecology is the specialty that focuses on the treatment of women. Gynecology focuses on maternity care before birth, support pregnant and after treatment when gynecologist is facing the general health of women, focusing on female genitalia. The experts asked the obstetrician midwife, while women have gynecological diseases expert.
What is Yeast Intolerance About?
What is Yeast intolerance all about? What are the symptoms and causes of yeast intolerance? This article tries answer by giving easy to understand answers to these questions.
To Eliminate Fibroids Naturally Understand What Causes Fibroids
To eliminate fibroids naturally you must first understand what causes fibroid tumors in the first place. Although medical research is yet to identify the exact cause of fibroids, one of the most common causes of fibroids in women is estrogen dominance or excess estrogen in the system. What causes this estrogen dominance and how can… Read more »
Yeast Infection Remedies That Are Organic
Yeast infections occur most often in women and can cause irritability, itching and burning on or around the vaginal area. Though there are natural cures keeping the vaginal area clean and dry can also prevent a yeast infection and avoiding tight panties and clothing that are too tight and causes sweating.
Vaginal Dryness Causes and Treatment For Natural Lubrication
Vaginal dryness is a physical condition that occurs when the entire female sexual organ is not well lubricated. In this article you will find natural treatment for vaginal dryness.
Low Libido Or Low Sex Drive in Women – Symptoms and Causes
Libido or sex drive requires tender love and care to be attained and cannot flow on its own. In this article you will know the major causes and symptoms of low libido in women.
Female Infertility Natural Herbal Remedies, Causes and Symptoms
Female infertility is described as a situation where a woman totally fails to conceive after a long period of unprotected sexual intercourse. In this article you will find major causes, symptoms and natural remedies for treating female infertility.