Periods can sometimes be a real pain. Headache, stomachache and general fatigue can be possibly acquired when having your period. These periodic menstrual bleeding can cause major discomforts; and things can only get worse once it becomes an irregular cycle. Having an irregular period is one of the most common menstrual complaints heard from women… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Uses
How Important Is Healthy Eating During Your Pregnancy?
If there is one time in your life during which it is crucial to have a healthy diet it is during pregnancy. Fetal development depends on not only the health of the mother, but also what she is putting into her body. Toxins and preservatives hinder the fetuses ability to develop healthily during pregnancy, and… Read more »
Role of Testosterone in Female Sexual Function – FSD Patch Treatment
Female sexual dysfunction symptoms include loss of sexual desire, lack of sexual arousal, vaginal dryness, problems reaching orgasm, and painful sexual intercourse. This article gives you an overview of the causes and treatment of female sexual dysfunction with Intrinsa patch.
8 Common Causes of Feminine Odor
There are eight common causes of feminine odor that every woman should be concern about. These causes range from poor hygiene to sexually transmitted disease. Nevertheless, these causes or culprits can be prevented if addressed immediately and accordingly.
Healthy Meal Suggestions for Breastfeeding Moms
The breastfeeding diet focuses on healthy eating for both mother and baby. There are certain pieces of nutrition to focus on, but for the most part eating healthy in general is the key. We have compiled a few meal and snack ideas for our nursing moms.
Let’s Participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month
When it comes to breast cancer we need to change our approach to health. It is wise to adopt a long term approach rather than a short term approach that focuses only on being well again after becoming sick.
How To Treat Endometriosis Naturally
Endometriosis refers to a condition in which the uterine lining called the endometrium starts to grow outside of the uterus in areas like the fallopian tubes and the ovaries. This condition causes heavy painful periods, indigestion, nausea and diarrhea as well as fatigue, constipation, infertility and sharp pains during ovulation, sex or bowel movements.
Vaginal Itching – Cause – Prevention – Treatment
Vaginal itching, also known as Pruritus Vulvae is a condition that of course, affects women. The medical definition is that of a tingling or uneasy irritation of the vagina and surrounding vulval area. It can affect women of all ages and is caused by a wide variety of reasons depending on age. Below you will… Read more »
The Causes of Not Getting Pregnant or Why Can’t I Get Pregnant?
If you’re having trouble getting pregnant it will be beneficial to understand some of the more common causes of not getting pregnant. Armed with this information, you’ll improve your chances of getting pregnant.
The Yeast Infection Symptoms You Need To Know About and How To Treat Them
There are plenty of yeast infection symptoms and if you want to treat yourself properly you must be aware of them. However, before I dive into the symptoms associated with this condition it’s very important you understand what this problem is and what causes it.