Normally it is very easy to get rid of a yeast infection but in some rare cases it comes back. If untreated it could ruin your life. An example is that of chronic candida that reappears every time it is managed to be suppressed. After some time it gets harder and harder to suppress even… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Untreated
Getting Rid of Candida – Here Are Great Home Remedies to Get Rid of Your Yeast Infection!
In some cases, it can be fairly easy to get rid of a yeast infection. However, in some of those cases, the condition just keeps reappearing. Yeast infection is really a condition that can make a mess of your life if it goes untreated. I can attest to that because I had chronic candida for… Read more »
The Danger of an Untreated Yeast Infection and Other Gynecology Questions Answered
What will happen if you have an untreated yeast infection? How dangerous is it really? Find out here…