Uterine fibroids and pregnancy often happen at the same time. In fact many women remain ignorant about their uterine tumors. Only when they go in for routine gynecological test do they come to know of the fibroids. Often women come to know of fibroids after conceiving when they go in for an ultrasound.
Posts Tagged: Tumors
Fibroid and Pregnancy – Treatment Options
Fibroid and pregnancy- are there any serious implications of suffering from fibroids while pregnant? In case of women already suffering from fibroids how safe is it to go ahead and have a baby despite the uterine tumors? Is it essential to seek treatment for uterine fibroids before conceiving?
Herbal Remedies To Treat Fibroid Tumors In Uterus
Are you considering making use of herbs to treat fibroid tumors in uterus? At the outset it is important for you to understand that herbs alone cannot treat your condition completely. Herbal remedies can be used as part of a holistic plan among other strategies to get rid of uterine tumors. Fibroids occur to multiple… Read more »
Uterine Fibroids and Pregnancy – What Are Some of the Known Complications the Tumors Can Cause?
Uterine fibroids and pregnancy are often detected at the same time for many women. This is because small-sized uterine tumors rarely cause any symptoms. Only when women undergo ultrasound to get their pregnancy confirmed the uterine tumors are detected. For majority of women, fibroid tumors do not cause problems during pregnancy.
Breast Augmentation: A Very Common Plastic Surgery Procedure
It has gained popularity among younger women because it creates a larger and fuller bust, which may be important to young women who have not developed full breasts naturally. However, there are some complications associated with younger age groups seeking to reconstruct their breasts. In the past, breast augmentation techniques have been skeptical; many women… Read more »
Learning Much More On Fibroid Cysts And Tumors
Sometimes, fibroid cysts are referred to as fibroid tumors though they are different. Furthermore, the two might be harmful or not according to their nature. For much more details on recognizing cysts and tumors read on.
How To Deal With Fibroids and Pregnancy?
Are you aware of your fibroids in uterus and trying to get pregnant? Is it possible to have fibroids and pregnancy without any complications? Will fibroids tumors affect your ability to conceive? Should you go in for uterine fibroids treatment before getting pregnant?
Breast Tumors Progesterone
It’s well known that abnormal breast tissue including fibrocystic breasts can progress towards more severe conditions including malignant tissue. Our medical technology is extremely sophisticated, able to detect early stages, yet women receive very little information about what to do with cysts and benign changes. Avoiding caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and refined sugars are important yet… Read more »
To Eliminate Fibroids Naturally Understand What Causes Fibroids
To eliminate fibroids naturally you must first understand what causes fibroid tumors in the first place. Although medical research is yet to identify the exact cause of fibroids, one of the most common causes of fibroids in women is estrogen dominance or excess estrogen in the system. What causes this estrogen dominance and how can… Read more »
Alternatives to Surgery to Help You Deal With Shrink Fibroids Naturally
I was advised to have fibroids surgery to get rid of the tumors in my uterus. I was put on hormone treatment a month before my surgery to shrink my fibroids size. The side effects of hormone therapy were so drastic that I became skeptical about undergoing surgery for my uterine fibroids treatment.