Honey is a natural yeast infection treatment that can very often be overlooked especially with the popularity of methods such as over the counter treatments, natural yogurt and garlic but although using honey as treatment is a rather messy process, it does work for a lot of women and therefore is definitely worth a shot…. Read more »
Posts Tagged: Treatments
Natural Ovarian Cyst Treatments – Can it Work?
Ovarian cysts can be a very painful endeavor for many people. They can be a source of great suffering, forcing people to take a pile of painkillers frequently just to deal with the pain.
Causes and Natural Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis is a condition that can lead to vaginal infection, and is sometimes referred to as vaginal bacteriosis. Ever since the causes of this condition have been identified, treatments for bacterial vaginosis are available in medicinal form, although the more natural methods have been used for quite some time.
Yeast Infection Treatments – Finally Inviting Old Home Made Remedies
Of the majority of skin infections affecting women, fungus attacks are the most widespread. One such type of fungus known as Candida is known to cause various problems in women of all ages.
Recurring BV Treatment – Easy Tips For Treating Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis
Recurring bacterial vaginosis is a common health condition which majorities of females face during their age of childbearing. Instead of wasting money and time on over the counter medications to cure bacterial vaginosis, you can opt to go with all natural recurring BV treatments.
Over-the-Counter Treatments For Bacterial Vaginosis – Could They Be the Cause of Recurrent BV?
The vaginal area is composed of both beneficial and harmful bacteria. When there occurs an imbalance in the number of these bacterial strains, the outcome is the development of bacterial vaginosis.
Effective Yeast Infection Treatment – Two Simple But Powerful Suggestions
A few years ago, there were no treatments for a vaginal yeast infection. These days, thankfully, there are more remedies and treatments for a yeast infection than you can think of. The bad news however is that there still isn’t an effective yeast infection treatment for skin infections, making it difficult for those that are… Read more »
Candidiasis Causes, Symptoms Treatments – Oral Thrush and Life Threatening Stage of Candidiasis
I bet there is not many of you counting men as well as women who knew that up to 95% of people who treat their candidiasis by conventional methods actually end up with a recurrent infection? How disappointing is that? When you spend a lot of time and money on a product to cure your… Read more »
Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments That May Help You
Statistics state that nearly 93% of women are (at some stage) are at risk of going through a Vaginal Yeast Infection. That’s why determining what the most suitable remedy is critical. Today’s treatments come in a myriad of forms, including several varieties of over-the-counter medications, and many of them can eliminate the infection in a… Read more »
Yeast Infections – Why Prescribed Medications Aren’t the Answer
You can’t believe everything you see on TV. And, you certainly can’t trust the numerous yeast infection cures that you see advertised on the box. They all promise that they’ll be able to cure your yeast infection in just one quick dose, but the truth is… they can’t. Read on to find out the real… Read more »