Researchers have actually compared the effectiveness of prescription antibiotics with garlic, the result is quite unbelievable- garlic is often more effective as a broad spectrum antibiotic. However, if a particular bacterium or virus is being treated, it is more advisable to take a more specifically targeted antibiotic than rely on the more generic effect of… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Treated
Natural Treatment Methods For BV
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) can be a very hazardous condition. So, you shouldn’t just let it go or hope it will pass on its own. It needs to be treated in a proper and quick way.
Vaginal Itching Relief – A Comparison of Products and Methods
When we have an annoying health issue, such as vaginal itching, most of us will head to the pharmacy to find a product to relieve the itch. Products that contain benzocaine are designed to block or dull the itching sensation in the nerve endings in and around your vagina. Anti-fungal drugs have a number of… Read more »
Natural Remedies for Ovarian Cysts Can Be Just As Effective As Medical Treatments
The female reproductive system can be affected by various diseases one of them being ovarian cysts. These are sacs filled with fluid that exist in the ovaries during a woman’s reproductive years and may come with very uncomfortable symptoms. The condition can be treated both at home and by a medical professional. It is therefore… Read more »
Ovarian Cysts – A Variety of Treatment Options
Ovarian cysts are sacs filled with fluid and they are formed if the egg is not released during the woman’s menstrual cycle. They are very common among women of all ages. Generally, ovarian cysts are harmless. However, if they cause some problems for a woman they usually can be treated by an OB/GYN.
Pap Smear Test and Abnormal Results
The Pap smear test is a very important test for the screening of cervical cancer. The test includes checking changes in the cells of the cervix. The smear test is very important as it helps in early detection if the cells turn cancerous and they can be fully treated.
Some Useful Remedies For Candida
There are many remedies for candida which can be effective and help you to overcome common symptoms such as itching and general discomfort. Many people will experience this at some point in their lives but thankfully it is something which we know a lot about and can be treated in a number of different and… Read more »
Vaginal Candida Is An Out Of Balance Condition In The Body
Vaginal candida has been a common concern for women in the US. It’s commonly referred to as a yeast infection and is treated easily. Researchers find that about 75% of females have experienced the infection during their lifetime.
What You Should Know About Yeast Infection Sores
Yeast infections are most commonly associated with women, but both sexes and people of all ages can suffer with this problem. There are approximately 20 species of candida that can infect the skin of people. When a simple infection is left untreated it can develop into painful yeast infection sores.
How Yeast Infections Infest The Body And Can Become A Silent Killer
Yeast infections symptoms, left untreated for a long time, can lead to a phenomenon called Yeast Syndrome or Chronic Candidiasis. Candidiasis is the infestation of the nine body systems by Candida albicans (tiny organisms present in human bodies). Under check they are harmless, when they overgrow they develop into a dangerous fungus which weakens the… Read more »