How to Naturally Treat a Yeast Infection at Home With Remedies That Prevent Reoccurring Yeast Infect

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Honestly, is there any lady that really enjoys having to deal with itchy, inflamed skin, a burning sensation during sex and while urinating. Not to mention the disgusting fishy smell and white cottage cheese like discharge that sometimes happens. These are just two of the many natural remedies I found for treating thrush and bacterial… Read more »

Treating Chronic Yeast Infections the Natural Way

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Nearly all women will experience vaginal yeast infection at some time in their lives. A type of fungus, Candida albicans, is usually present in the mouth, digestive tract, skin and vagina. However, this typically maintains homeostasis (in the vagina) and does not usually present a disease or illness. Nevertheless, when balance is lost, candida starts… Read more »