Female sexual dysfunctional problems are increasing day by day. Women remain silent because they do not want to let other people know that they are aging and they are unable to handle their sexual life.
Posts Tagged: Treat
Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy As Treatment
It is reported that in the next four years, more than 50 million women would be going through menopause. With so many women vulnerable to the symptoms of menopause, it is only natural that there is added interest in an effective menopause treatment.
An Eastern View of PMS Treatment
Between 22% and 40% of women feel one or more pre-menstrual symptoms occurring one or two weeks prior to menstruation, and subsiding abruptly at the beginning of menstruation. Western medicine relies on medication to alleviate or mask symptoms. TCM (which includes acupuncture and herbal medicine) considers PMS a disease, an abnormal imbalance. Learn more on… Read more »
What Can You Do With a Recurring Cyst – Cure it Fast and Permanently
If you have a recurring ovarian cyst, you will know how painful they can be. Ovarian cysts are very common. Many are symptom free, but those that cause pain and discomfort can be difficult to remove or prevent. Temporary immediate relief from the symptoms of cysts can be found in traditional treatments such as pain… Read more »
Best Cure For Vaginal Dryness
Vaginal dryness can be one of the most disturbing sexual problems for any woman. However, there are some natural supplements and lubricants that are the best cure for treating this female sexual disorder.
What is the Best Natural Yeast Infection Treatment?
A yeast infection for some women can be a common occurrence. Many of the symptoms that normally occurs with yeast infections can be most annoying. So what is a good yeast infection treatment.
Bacterial Vaginosis – Learn to Know Its Treatments!
Imbalance of the normal bacteria in the vagina is the common reason of having bacterial vaginosis. BV is a type of infection in the vagina, when it happens you will have an abnormal vaginal discharge which will produce an unpleasant odor. You can also feel itchiness around vaginal area and a burning sensation when you… Read more »
Holistic Natural Treatment For Fibroids – An Overview
If you have already tried conventional methods to deal with your fibroids or simply do not like the thought of the treatments you have been offered, you may have decided to try using holistic natural treatment for fibroids. Firstly, you must be aware that this is not a “quick fix” approach, and you will be… Read more »
Home Remedies For Yeast Infection Treatment – 4 Steps to a Full Recovery
There are many home remedies for yeast infection symptoms, there are also many myths about them. Before you start any treatment find out why you could be about to throw your money away and why you are only 4 steps away from a full recovery.
Treatment For Yeast Infections – From Grapefruit Extract to Monistat and Beyond
In the following paragraphs you will find some tips on how to remedy a yeast infection. If you’re currently struggling with some type of yeast infection, do not be concerned, it’s relatively normal. Well over a half of females suffer from yeast infections at least once during their lifetime.