Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke: Estrogen Neuroprotection

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Strokes affect millions of individuals around the United States each year, claiming more than 150,000 lives annually. Of those who survive, about one-third suffers from permanent disabilities. For decades, physicians have noticed that strokes impact men and women differently, though no conclusive study has discovered the reason.

Women And Fitness

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For most women, getting fit and lean is a battle that’s often lost. With so many things to keep your whole day occupied, it’s no wonder that most end up depressed after weigh-ins, having discovered a gain of 5 pounds, seemingly overnight. So, how do we fight a “impossible” enemy? First, gaining 5 pounds is… Read more »

Lower Back Pain, Pregnancy and Parenting

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You’re pregnant! Congratulations! Your body’s changing-wondrously, marvelously. One unexpected and unwelcome change may be lower back pain. Recent studies suggest that two-thirds of pregnant women experience lower back pain.

Suitable Foods for Keeping the Female Breasts Healthy

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Nowadays, more and more women have to suffer from various kinds of breast diseases, such as hyperplasia of mammary glands and breast cancer. In fact, nearly one third of all the breast diseases are closely connected with the unhealthy diet. The unhealthy diet is the source of various diseases.

The Gentle Side of Egg Donation

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Egg donation is becoming an increasingly popular and sought after type of treatment for infertile people. It is an advanced type of third party reproductive treatment offering hope and solutions for people in despair.

alternative breast enhancement methods

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From the testimonials received from users of various alternative breast enhancement methods, it can be concluded that indeed the enhancing methods are quite effective. This does not cancel out the fact that feedback has not been /Some have had denial outcomes from the application of these methods. This can be as a result of… Read more »