The infection that is caused by Candida Albicans, a kind of fungus is commonly referred to as a yeast infection. This condition is also called as candidiasis in the medical terminology.
Posts Tagged: term
The Causes Of A Yeast Infection
The prevalence of yeast infections is quite high among women. The biggest mistake that women make when they get a yeast infection, and especially if they get recurring infections, is they start on a treatment before determining the cause of their problem.
Getting to Know What Acidophilus Yeast Infection Treatment Is
Acidophilus treatments are used to eliminate the presence of a yeast infection. But what is this sort of infection? A yeast infection is basically an overgrowth of a particular fungus called, Candida Albicans. The proper medical term that is usually used for this condition is Candidiasis.
How to Identify Unsafe Abdominal Exercises After a Hysterectomy
It is highly desirable for women to return to safe exercise after a hysterectomy. Unfortunately many women risk long-term pelvic injury when they unknowingly perform commonplace abdominal core strength exercises. These physical therapist guidelines are designed to help you identify and avoid unsafe abdominal exercises during your hysterectomy recovery and beyond.
Is Permanent Hair Removal Really Available?
Permanent hair removal is an interesting term because it doesn’t mean exactly what most people think it means. The only true method of permanent hair removal is electrolysis. Other hair removal options might claim to offer permanent hair removal but they’re being disingenuous at best.
How You View Your Body Can Help Heal or Worsen Endometriosis
When we first discover we suffer from endometriosis it is mostly a feeling of relief in finally getting some answers. Once we finally come to terms with knowing what it is, unfortunately we are often faced with a new burden. The burden of having this condition and level of pain for the rest of our… Read more »
Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts During Pregnancy – Tips and Reminders
Ovarian cysts may not pose a risk during pregnancy, but it can still prove to be dangerous for both the mother and child if left unchecked. In terms of percentage, the occurrence of cysts hampering normal pregnancy is actually very low. However, ask yourself this question, would you be willing to leave it to chance?… Read more »
Another Fire Tested Strategy to Conquer Your Mood Swings
Controlling our mood swings. That is the goal, right? We are going to learn how to do just that today. First, we need to get a basic understanding of a thing called a neurotransmitter. And I am going to put it in “layman’s” terms so we can all understand how it is affecting us on… Read more »
Comprehensive Info About Transvaginal Sonogram
A transvaginal sonogram is a simple ultrasound that is performed on the pelvis of a woman in order to look at the cervix, uterus, vagina and ovaries. The meaning of the term transvaginal is “through the vagina”. It makes use of ultrasound imaging to take snapshots of things within the body.
All About Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Including Compounding
Until recently, traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was the treatment of choice for menopause related symptoms, but this changed once the serious risks of long term HRT use were exposed. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has become the default treatment of choice for women who consider the risks of HRT to be too great. BHRT… Read more »