Many women are dissatisfied with the conventional options open to them for treating their fibroids. This leads many to search for way of shrinking fibroid tumors naturally. Although many doctors recommend a “wait and see” approach, this is not satisfactory for women who have fibroids which are causing symptoms which, quite frankly, are affecting their… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Symptom
Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis by Learning the Truth About the Terrible Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
In order to prevent bacterial vaginosis from taking place you need to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection. The reality is this condition is one of the most frustrating and annoying problems a woman will have to deal with during her lifetime and from my own personal experiences, it… Read more »
Protein and Menopause Symptoms
Menopause is not a medical condition or a disease, but it can feel like it at times. Simply put, it is end of the menstrual cycle, marking the end of the child bearing years for a woman. The average age for most women in America is between 45 and 53; however there is a wide… Read more »
Natural Ways to Shrink Fibroids
Uterine fibroid tumors strike women in the age group of 35-45 and in most cases the women are not even aware of its existence. This is because small sized fibroids rarely cause any symptoms. As the fibroid tumors grow in size and numbers the symptoms become severe and unbearable. In this article I am going… Read more »
Yeast Infection Home Remedy – Simple and Effective Home Remedies For Yeast Infections
More women and men now rely on home remedies to cure yeast infections because they are simple to use and more effective. Many also rely on prescription drugs but the problem with drugs is that it only contains the symptoms and does not actually address the root cause.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Uterine Prolapse
Uterine prolapse is falling or sliding of the uterus from its normal position in the pelvic cavity into the vaginal canal. The risk of uterine prolapse increases with age as pelvic muscles weaken, and due to the natural reduction in estrogen(less elasticity) at menopause. Approximately half of all women older than 50 years complain of… Read more »
Natural BV Remedy Which Has Had a Solid Undeniable Impact on My Vaginal Infection
I have been a long-time sufferer of chronic vaginosis. Every time I went to the doctor for vaginosis cure the infection would disappear for some time and surface again after a month or so. I have devoted a lot of time and energy in trying out alternative methods of treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Sadly though… Read more »
Is Herbal Fibroid Treatment an Option Worth Considering?
Fibroids treatment is the easiest when the tumors are small in size. However it is very hard to detect at the initial stages since tiny fibroids rarely cause any symptoms. In fact most women remain unaware of this condition and only when the tumors grow larger and cause excessive menstrual bleeding and pain do the… Read more »
To Avoid Uterine Fibroid Surgery, Here Is What I Did
Doctors prescribed a wait and watch approach. However they cautioned me that in case my tumors grew in size or numbers uterine fibroid surgery would become a necessity. My uterine fibroid symptoms got worse with passage of time. It was then that I decided to try out alternative treatment for fibroids rather than doing nothing… Read more »
Managing the Symptoms of Pre Menopause
Under normal circumstances, women undergo menopause between the ages of 47 and 55. Also before menstruation ends it occurs from about two to eight years.