Causes and Symptoms of Thickening of Uterus

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If you are a suffering from thickening of uterus, medically this condition is known as endometrial hyperplasia. Endometrium is the lining of the uterus and in women, who are sexually mature, it becomes thick each month. However, if pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium is expelled from the body during the menstrual period.

Diet For Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

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Polycystic ovarian syndrome, also referred to as PCOS, is caused due to problems in the hormone levels. Women suffering from this condition have many signs and symptoms including obesity, irregular menstruation, insulin resistance, depression, hair loss, enlarged ovaries with tiny cysts, and excessive male hormones.

Why is My Itchy Vagina Also Sore? – Reasons For a Sore Vagina and Painful Vaginal Itching Infections

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Have you noticed your vaginal area becoming so itchy and sore? This is a very painful condition and an infective state of yeast infection. People who are suffering from yeast infection commonly have an itchy feeling and bad smelling discharges, but developing severe cases can result to a sore vagina. This creates a burning sensation… Read more »

Avoiding 3 Dangerous Treatments For Yeast Infections

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If you have a yeast infection, and you’re suffering from the constant discomfort, itching, and burning sensations that seem to be unbearable, then you’d probably do practically anything to make it go away, right? Should you feel this way, be careful. While trying different cures for yeast infections is normally harmless, to do so blindly… Read more »