If you have bacterial vaginosis, one of the most distressing aspects is the unpleasant and somewhat embarrassing symptoms which accompany the condition. The main problems are the foul fishy vaginal odor and the unbearable itching and burning sensation felt by many women. Home treatment for BV symptoms can be very effective and yet simple and… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Straightforward
Is Aspartame Good Or Bad – Artificial Sweetener Review For the Candida Diet
Is aspartame good or bad? Pretty straightforward question in my inbox this morning. Well, aspartame is absolutely appalling! Many people I have known at least say the same thing. You could type it into a search engine and read all the scary information.
Antibiotics For Bacterial Vaginosis – Do They Work?
The problem with bacterial vaginosis is that it is not a condition which you can “catch”, indeed there are various causes of BV and the key to a cure is not as straightforward as a single, one-dimensional antibiotic treatment. The role of antibiotics in medicine is to kill off bacteria and this is the reason… Read more »