My story started with severe gyno and has moved on from there. I had surgery when I was 22 to remove breast tissue. I regret it but my breasts have continued to grow. I have been taking FG and my body reacts fast when I take it. I am a natural c cup and I… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Story
So as of Saturday, Nov 10,
PTLS – A Woman’s Story
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome sufferers seek help and want their lives back. Karen, a tubal reversal patient, shares her remarkable story.
Embryo Storage – Its History As Well As the Pros and Cons
Embryo Storage is usually done if assisted reproductive procedures resulted in several embryos. This will allow the unused embryos to be kept safe for later use, like if the woman wanted to get pregnant again.
How Can Going to a the Doctor Be More Humiliating? Hear How Routine Becomes Horrid
How a routine doctor’s visit can become humiliating… This is a true story. As a woman, a routine pap smear is a part of life. Before I go I try to take care of myself before I go and then I’m off to see the doctor.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – A Common But Unknown Condition
PCOS is a common syndrome that features endocrine system disorders. The symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome affect ten percent of the world’s women and is also the leading cause of infertility. As far as autoimmune diseases go, it is largely unknown and relatively new. There are doctors working literally around the clock in order to… Read more »
Menopause, Night Sweats and Hot Flashes
Well, after turning 40 I started having trouble reading and ended up wearing glasses with progressive lenses. My back started hurting and I had some issues there. And then the change started. Hot flashes? That doesn’t begin to tell the story.
The Women’s Sports and Fitness Foundation – Who They Are, What They Do and How They Can Help You
They share some fantastic offices in Holborn with Sport England and Chris, very kindly, met with me for over an hour to talk about the history of the WSFF, what projects they are involved with now and where they see themselves in the future. Of course as part of the meeting I had to ensure… Read more »
Mammogram Screenings Can Save Lives
Through cancer screenings it is possible to detect the early onset of breast cancer. Having an annual mammogram after the age of 40 is recommended by most physicians regardless of family medical history.
Children With ADHD – Minimizing the Risks When You Are Pregnant
Many pregnant mothers who already have a history of ADHD in their family are worried about the chances of giving birth to another child who might develop this disorder. As children with ADHD may have developmental, behavioral and learning problems, families want to take all the possible precautions they can.