
Posted by & filed under News Around Breasts.

My story started with severe gyno and has moved on from there. I had surgery when I was 22 to remove breast tissue. I regret it but my breasts have continued to grow. I have been taking FG and my body reacts fast when I take it. I am a natural c cup and I… Read more »

Menopause, Night Sweats and Hot Flashes

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Well, after turning 40 I started having trouble reading and ended up wearing glasses with progressive lenses. My back started hurting and I had some issues there. And then the change started. Hot flashes? That doesn’t begin to tell the story.

Mammogram Screenings Can Save Lives

Posted by & filed under news from industry.

Through cancer screenings it is possible to detect the early onset of breast cancer. Having an annual mammogram after the age of 40 is recommended by most physicians regardless of family medical history.