Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or PMDD for short is a condition that usually affects thousands of women. It is an occurrence that has become quite the norm because this condition is usually experienced a week before menstruation starts and is usually accompanied by symptoms such as stress, mood swings, cramps, and fatigue. Whenever women experience these… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Start
Menopause, Night Sweats and Hot Flashes
Well, after turning 40 I started having trouble reading and ended up wearing glasses with progressive lenses. My back started hurting and I had some issues there. And then the change started. Hot flashes? That doesn’t begin to tell the story.
If Your Yeast Infection Won’t Go Away Then You Need To Treat It Differently
Your yeast infection won’t go away because you’re doctor is prescribing you anti fungal drugs that are only treating the symptoms of your infection. Your infection will keep on coming back until you start treating the cause of it instead of the symptoms, and thousands of women are in this position at any one time…. Read more »
Menstruation Calculators
One of the best things that a woman can do to keep track of her period cycles is by using menstruation calculators. These calculators will allow you to keep track of your start and stop times so that you can manage your busy schedule around them. By being able to keep track of your monthly… Read more »
Why Do I Keep Getting Yeast Infections?
Why do I keep getting yeast infections again and again- this question bothered me for almost a year. I was just not able to figure out the reason for repeated attacks of the infection. Over a period of time I started noticing a specific pattern. Whenever I had sex within the first week following my… Read more »
Persistent Yeast Infections In Women Can Be Cured When They Are Treated From The Root Cause
If you suffer from persistent yeast infections then you mustn’t start getting yourself in the cycle of taking anti fungal drugs just to alleviate your symptoms. This is the position almost all women are in that suffer from fungal infections that keep coming back. They treat the infection, it comes back, and then they treat… Read more »
The Causes Of Recurring Yeast Infections Can Help You Identify Your Problem
Recurring yeast infections have many causes and identifying the cause of your infection is going to help you bring your problem to an end. No one should be suffering from continual fungal infections if they usually have good health. Everything you do in your life at the moment is effecting your infection, and you need… Read more »
Vaginal Tightening Techniques for Women – How to Start Having Earth Shattering Orgasms Tonight
You can actually change your vagina and its tightness starting today. You can use these natural techniques that will completely transform your body. You can start to feel like a real woman again and you can take control of your body.
C-Section Recovery Begins In Hospital
C-section recovery is not something to be taken lightly, a c-section is major abdominal surgery and after it you immediately have a new baby to care for. To ensure the best recovery it’s important to take special care of yourself, and this begins straight away in the hospital. Here is tried and true advice for… Read more »
Kegel’s Exercises: Part II
The first time one does this exercise, they are taught to insert a finger into the vagina to get a feel of the exercise, but once you have mastered the technique, it will not be necessary to insert a finger into the vagina. Then this can be done discreetly during everyday activities. Kegel exercises should… Read more »