Have you ever stopped to think for once that the foods we eat sometimes contribute to the infections that bedevil our lives? This is ever so true when we experience recurrent yeast infections that are not necessarily or directly caused by the yeast that we consume. If you are at that stage in your health… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Recurrent
Treating Bacterial Vaginosis – Get Rid of BV With These Top Home Remedies
There are a number of advantages in treating bacterial vaginosis (BV) naturally. Natural cures for BV are safe, effective, and long lasting. They also reduce the risk of recurrent infections considerably. So, understandably, a lot of people have started looking for natural cures to treat BV.
The Facts of Recurrent Yeast Infections
Women suffer many conditions that are specific to their gender, most of which are either infectious or bacterial. As a fungal condition that targets the outer vaginal area, this one is easily treatable but prone to recurring in women who are exposed to it once.
How to Stop Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis Infections For Good
Recurrent bacterial vaginosis is never fun. It’s painful and embarrassing. The thing is that if you’re trying to stop this problem from coming back over and over again, it’s likely that you’re just doing some things wrong and nobody’s told you what you could be doing to make things right.
Cure a Yeast Infection Naturally – My Best Tips to Get Rid of Your Yeast Infection Once and For All
If you want to cure your yeast infection naturally then you must know how to eliminate the root cause of your infection. According to one study, more than 75% of women of the age above 30 suffer from this type of infection. Nearly 50% of those women faces recurrent yeast infection due to lack of… Read more »
The Challenges of Curing Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis
Recurrent bacterial vaginosis is generally defined as 3 or more episodes of BV in a year and it has been shown that recurrence rates are often as high as 80% within a 6 month period. Although BV is the most common vaginal complaint for women of reproductive age, it is still extremely frustrating for both… Read more »
Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis – Is That Bad Vaginal Odor Coming Back and Making Your Life Miserable?
Recurrent bacterial vagnosis can be aggravating for women, especially because it causes a bevy if problems for the female suffering from it. If you are one of these women, then you know the pain and embarrassment that comes with having a bad smelling vagina. I am sure that it has invaded many parts of your… Read more »
Ovary Removal – Is it Necessary For a Cyst?
If you’ve been told you have an ovarian cyst, particularly if you have recurrent cysts, you may be considering having your ovary removed. If it’s removed, you may think that will eliminate any possibilities of future cysts. However, this is not completely true.
Is Your Bacterial Vaginosis Recurrent? Stop it Naturally in a Few Easy to Follow Steps
Recurrent bacterial vaginosis can cause tons of problems. Not only can you feel the effects when you are out in public, but also when you are in private as well. And it seems that the pain you feel in private is even worse, more so because it is when your partner gets to see and… Read more »
Cure BV Naturally – 7 Tips For Stopping Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis in It’s Tracks
Are you suffering with recurrent bacterial vaginosis and wishing you could cure BV naturally? If you are, then it’s likely that you are sick of the itching, burning and pain that this condition can cause and the odor? Yes, this condition can cause a very distinct odor in some women too. Maybe you know that… Read more »