Though it may cause apprehension, spotting between periods is not really an unusual occurrence. Typically, the menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days, with an average of 28 days. Spotting between periods takes place when there is vaginal blood flow in between the period after your last day of menstruation and the beginning of… Read more »
Posts Tagged: rage
Embryo Storage – Its History As Well As the Pros and Cons
Embryo Storage is usually done if assisted reproductive procedures resulted in several embryos. This will allow the unused embryos to be kept safe for later use, like if the woman wanted to get pregnant again.
Is Bodybuilding Wrong For Young Women?
Women generally aren’t as musclebound as men, and young girls are especially thin and slight before they reach their full maturity. In my opinion the average person wouldn’t expect a young woman to start bodybuilding as often the perception is that it’s a man’s hobby and young ladies will be changed into hulking behemoths, incapable… Read more »
The Average Tubal Reversal – Surgery Duration, Length of Recovery, and the Price Tag
When looking into tubal reversals one might wonder about the average tubal reversal. Of course, what an average tubal reversal means can depend upon what factors you are looking at. Do you mean average tubal reversal surgery length or average tubal reversal cost or…
Prescription Medications for Vaginal Bacterial Infections
The treatment of vaginal bacterial infections is strongly encouraged. There are 2 prescription drugs that are commonly utilized for the cure of bacterial vaginosis: clindamycin and metronidazole.
Waiting for Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis to Work: Treating Symptoms
The cures for bacterial vaginosis can take some time to work. Making simple changes to your health can turn this around for you, and these changes including drinking more water and cutting out alcoholic and caffeinated beverages. Related Blogs Related Blogs on Waiting for Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis to Work: Treating Symptoms
Losing Weight After Having A Child
While glossy magazines show famous women who have recently given birth and look like they were never pregnant, the average women has a tougher time returning to her pre-pregnancy weight. It is common to gain more than 40 pounds during childbirth and this can be incredibly hard to lose.
Breast Reduction for Neck and Back Pain
Breast reduction is an effective treatment for neck and back pain. Evaluation requires consultation with a plastic surgeon and coverage is dependent on individual insurance benefit profiles.
Dealing With Infertility Disappointments
If you have tried to conceive and haven’t succeeded, you may feel discouraged. The negative pregnancy tests and months without a pregnancy can take a toll. Often, infertility can impact your professional, personal, and emotional wellbeing.
Age of Early Menopause Defined
If you are not familiar with the age of early menopause symptoms, it may be time to stop and take a step back. Here is the average age for onset of menopause defined and discussed.