Uterine cancer was like the Damocles sword hanging over my head after I was diagnosed with complex hyperplasia with atypia in 2005. My hyperplasia initially appeared as heavy vaginal bleeding outside my regular menstrual periods. This is the worst type of endometrial hyperplasia.
Posts Tagged: progress
Menopause, Night Sweats and Hot Flashes
Well, after turning 40 I started having trouble reading and ended up wearing glasses with progressive lenses. My back started hurting and I had some issues there. And then the change started. Hot flashes? That doesn’t begin to tell the story.
Fibroids Natural Cures – Delicious Foods To Help Shrink Fibroids
Early detection of uterine fibroids is beneficial to women suffering from it simply because fibroid natural cures are actually available right at their homes, and they can make use of these to prevent the progress of the condition. These remedies will greatly help lessen or relieve the pain of the fibroid symptoms and may even… Read more »
Menopause Treatment: During the Alteration of Life
Menopause takes place to ladies who are within their middle ages. It is the permanent end of monthly periods and fertility, identified as occurring 12 month after your last menstrual period. As a woman ages, the function of ovaries and the production of certain growth hormones progressively declines.
Understanding the Stages of Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a condition that impacts many women. This condition occurs when endometrial tissue ends up in other parts of the body. The symptoms and severity of this condition varies from case to case; however, it is important to understand the various stages and symptoms for endometriosis so that a proper treatment plan can be… Read more »
Pregnancy and Exercise
Studies of the cardiovascular responses of pregnant women have shown that women can maintain and even improve their cardiovascular, respiratory and aerobic capacities during pregnancy. A pregnant woman’s heart works at a very high level due to the increased demand of pregnancy. And as pregnancy progresses the heart is less able to adapt to the… Read more »
Breast Tumors Progesterone
It’s well known that abnormal breast tissue including fibrocystic breasts can progress towards more severe conditions including malignant tissue. Our medical technology is extremely sophisticated, able to detect early stages, yet women receive very little information about what to do with cysts and benign changes. Avoiding caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and refined sugars are important yet… Read more »
Why Do Yeast Infections Start?
Both men and women are susceptible to yeast infections. Most are mild and can be treated effectively but there are instances where infections progress to more serious conditions. This article discussed the different types of yeast infection and their severity
Cure Yeast Infection – Stop Scratching Yourself to Death and Finally Make the Itching Stop For Good
Most of us have been there: it starts with a small itch in your vaginal area and then progresses to more itching as well as redness, then it goes on to making that area so sensitive and irritated that you can barely function, day or night. It’s the dreaded yeast infection and most women have… Read more »
Recurring Ovarian Cysts – What You Can Do Now to Stop Its Progression
As with any ailment, it is very frustrating when you think you have something beat and can live again, to only learn that the issues have returned. If you have a recurring ovarian cyst, you can relieve yourself of it again.