Atrazine in water comes from atrazine currently being probably the most widely used herbicide in the U.S. It is routinely found in surface water and ground water, especially in agricultural areas, like the Midwest. More than 70 percent of all cornfields in the United States are sprayed with atrazine on a yearly basis, leading to… Read more »
Posts Tagged: producing
Daisy Birthing Classes Are About Relaxation, Breathing And Movement
Relaxation of the body and mind is essential during pregnancy and labour. it is important for a mother to remain mentally relaxed as if she is exposed to long-term stress and anxiety this can have a negative impact on her body. The immune system can be affected creating a higher risk of illness and increased… Read more »
What Are The Symptoms of Menopause?
It is very important to realize that it is innate for every woman to undergo a life process known as menopause; it is a stage in a woman’s life when her fertility cycle ends; it is during this stage that ovaries halted producing the hormone estrogen and the reproductive cycle starts to deteriorate. Generally, when… Read more »
Hormone Replacement – Does It Work?
Vivelle is an alternative estrogen hormone replacement product. The body may stop producing this hormone and cause an imbalance of hormones in the body during menopause. This is when the woman’s biological clock makes the last tick. As a woman ages the probability of reproduction decreases until it stops completely. For men the clock does… Read more »
Diagnosing And Treating Vaginal Bacterial Infection
Disorder of the female reproductive system can be minor or serious but are usually anxiety producing and often distressing. Some disorders are self-limited and cause only minor inconvenience to women; others are life threatening and require immediate attention and long-term therapy.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – Diagnosis, Symptoms and Potential Complications
Polycystic ovary syndrome has an effect on thousands of women each year. This particular condition commonly results in a variety of symptoms, including abnormal or painful monthly cycles. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a type of hormonally induced condition in adult females, which develops when the ovaries end up producing tiny cysts instead of releasing their… Read more »
Top 10 Tips for Successful Breastfeeding
Here are top ten tips for a mother to consider in order to breastfeed successfully. 10. Relax. Think about things that calm you down, or make you feel peaceful. Producing milk requires a lot of energy and it can be exhaustive. So put down the phone book or to-do list and just relax.
Anatomy of the Breasts
The breasts main function if to produce milk for the child. Each of the breast have milk producing lobes that make milk from water and nutrients they acquire from the bloodstream. Milk ducts then carry the milk to the nipple from the milk lobes. The lobes can be resembled with grapes, and the ducts with… Read more »
What Causes Ovarian Cysts and the Best Treatment For Ovarian Cysts
If you have just found out that you have ovarian cyst, and would want to know what is the best treatment for ovarian cysts without using drugs or undergoing a surgery, then the first thing you’ll need to do is to understand what causes ovarian cysts in the first place. A woman’s ovaries grow cyst-like… Read more »
Did You Know These Vital Breast Milk Producing Tips?
Not many of the female species know that their body is well equipped with the capability to produce breast milk. And it goes without saying the importance the breast feeding holds in a child’s growth. As infants the new born babies do not have a whit of capacity to digest any form of solid food…. Read more »