Am I making my infection worse? For many folks (women in particular) they just don’t know that they’re making their infection worse with some bad yeast promoting decisions. The problem is, few people know the ins and outs of yeast overgrowth, and have no idea how to treat it. When the infections symptoms are genital… Read more »
Posts Tagged: pain
Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis – Is That Bad Vaginal Odor Coming Back and Making Your Life Miserable?
Recurrent bacterial vagnosis can be aggravating for women, especially because it causes a bevy if problems for the female suffering from it. If you are one of these women, then you know the pain and embarrassment that comes with having a bad smelling vagina. I am sure that it has invaded many parts of your… Read more »
Prevent Ovarian Cysts! Proven Techniques to Treat and Prevent Your Cysts
After you’ve gone through having an ovarian cyst, you want to make sure you never get another one. Ovarian cysts can be incredibly painful and frightening. Fortunately, there are ways to treat and prevent them, besides the doctor’s prescription of hormonal treatments or surgery.
Pain From an Ovarian Cyst – When Do You Need to Call the Doctor?
If you’ve been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, you may wonder what level of pain you need to be able to call the doctor again. After all, he told you that you needed to wait two to three months to see if it would clear up on its own. But if your normal level of… Read more »
Is Your Bacterial Vaginosis Recurrent? Stop it Naturally in a Few Easy to Follow Steps
Recurrent bacterial vaginosis can cause tons of problems. Not only can you feel the effects when you are out in public, but also when you are in private as well. And it seems that the pain you feel in private is even worse, more so because it is when your partner gets to see and… Read more »
Cure BV Naturally – 7 Tips For Stopping Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis in It’s Tracks
Are you suffering with recurrent bacterial vaginosis and wishing you could cure BV naturally? If you are, then it’s likely that you are sick of the itching, burning and pain that this condition can cause and the odor? Yes, this condition can cause a very distinct odor in some women too. Maybe you know that… Read more »
Treatment For Yeast Infection – Get Rid of Oral Yeast Infection That Causes You Mouth Pain
And even when you get your antibiotic things have just started for you. Sometimes the antibiotics with have adverse reactions with your oral yeast infection which can in some rare case lead a a worsened condition. And the side effects from antibiotics such as nausea and vomiting can out weigh the little benefit if any… Read more »
Chronic Yeast Infections – Tips For Avoiding
If you suffer from chronic yeast infections, you understand how painful and uncomfortable they can be. Your symptoms can include terrible itching and unpleasant odors that can cause problems in your everyday life. Luckily, you’ll be able to find many preventive solutions that can eliminate a fungal infection for good.
PMS Treatment – "Does Premenstrual Syndrome Have to Be This Painful?" – Part 2
The process is controlled by hormones – naturally- produced chemicals within the body. For example, estrogen is a hormone produced by the ovaries and is an important part of the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual Cramp Relief Solutions
What is the root cause of menstrual cramps? We know what’s happening. But what is actually causing the pain?